Apart from other factors, fundamental frequency and intensity of voice have been considered to be affecting the vowel duration. However, studies regarding these relationships are scanty. The present study was conducted to note the durations of /i/ and /u/ in a VCV syllable /idu /.10 male and 10 female adults were asked to read these 3 sentences at normal pitch and also at two other pitch levels (higher and lower than normal pitch) keeping the loudness constant. The durations of /i/ and /u/ were measured using the High Resolution Signal Analyzer in all the 3 sentences under all 3 conditions. It was found that the duration was significantly low at normal pitch than at other levels. Further, durations of these vowels in the utterances of these 3 sentences by cases with voice disorders (pitch disorders) were measured. It was found that the durations were signifi- cantly longer in these cases when compared with the normals.
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