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Submissions | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Type of article
  • Title
  • Running title
  • Author details
  • Author Affiliation
  • Corresponding Author information
  • Authors’ Contribution
  • Number of pages
  • Number of Tables
  • Number of Figures
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Source of Funding
  • Potential reviewers
  • Acknowledgements
  • Abstract
  • Manuscript Background
  • Manuscript Materials and Methods Participants
    a) Stimuli/material
    b) Procedure
    c) Analyses
  • Manuscript Results , Discussion , Conclusions, Future implications (optional), Implications of the study (optional),
    References, Appendix (optional)
  • Format of the manuscript
  • Guidelines for the preparation of figures and artwork
  • Guidelines for the preparation of tables
  • Guidelines for the preparation of tables

Author Guidelines

General Guidelines

1. The main manuscript should be in editable format.

2. The manuscript should be in '.rtf '/ '.doc'/ 'docx'/ '.odt'/ '.tex' formats.

2. The text should be 12pt Times New Roman, with two line spacing.

3. Every line should be numbered with the numbers starting from '1' on every page. Pages should also be numbered.

4. Numbering and bullets of sections in the manuscript should be avoided.

5. The main manuscript excluding the abstract should not exceed 30 pages.

6. Figures and tables should be placed within the manuscript at the appropriate points (This is only for the purpose of peer-review).

7. The figures should also be submitted as separate files (This will be used for the production of the final published article) and all the tables should be reproduced `at the end of the manuscript after References and before Figure Legends

8. Figures and tables should be prepared according to the guidelines detailed in sections 'Figures and artwork guidelines', and 'Table guidelines'.

10. The manuscript should not have any information about the authors or the author's institution.

11. No content in the manuscript should hint at the identity of the authors or their workplace. If necessary, the author's institution can be included in sections of the manuscript (e.g. method) at later stages in the publication process after

      the peer-review is complete.

Guidelines for the Preparation of Figures and Artwork

1. Figures should be provided in the main manuscript and also as a separate file. (All the figures in one file with one figure per page)

2. The figures and artwork submitted as separate files should be in high resolution ' and in .TIFF', '.PNG', '.EPS', '.PSD', '.AI', '.EMF' formats.

3. Line graphs should be prepared with a minimum resolution of 1200 ppi, and illustrations/figures should be at a minimum resolution of 300 ppi.  Increasing the resolution in many softwares also causes an increase in the size of the figure.

4. The size of the figure should be kept constant and the resolution can be increased when exporting the figure into any of the formats accepted by JAIISH.

5. Unless it is very necessary, a grayscale background in the figures should be avoided.

6. Authors may send color figures. 

7. It should be ensured that every part of the figure including the legends and the axis values are clearly visible from a distance of 30 cm when the figure is viewed in its native size.

8.  The width of the figures should be 8 cm or 16 cm, i. e., they should either span one column or both the columns in a page. The height of the figures should be within 13 cm, i.e., the figure should not occupy more than half of the page. Outer               boxes in figures which are created by default in most graphing software should be avoided.

9.  Figures in '.JPG', '.BMP', '.docx', '.JPEG', '.pptx', '.ppt', 'xls', 'xlsx' or any other formats created using office suite programs may be avoided. 

10. The 'JPEG' and 'BMP' however are acceptable in case of photographs of resolution greater than 600 ppi.

11. Recommended open source software for preparing good figures are inkscape, praat, plt, R, gnuplot and the commercial software like SPSS, SYSTAT, Sigmaplot, SAS, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator.

12. To generate statistical graphs with good quality in SPSS, export the graph into one of the formats accepted by JAIISH from within SPSS.

13. Helvetica or Sans Seriff fonts not smaller than  8 pts.  should be prepared for the text in the figures.

14. Figure legends should be provided in a new page at the end of the manuscript.

15. The figure and the figure legend should be comprehensive and self-contained such that the readers do not have to refer to the main text in order to understand the results depicted in the figure.

16. The figures should be cross-referenced in the manuscript for example, 'The descriptive statistics are shown in Figure 1'.

Guidelines for the Preparation of Tables

1. Tables should be given at the end of the manuscript, after the references and figure legends.

2. Each page should have only one table.

3. The tables should be accompanied by table captions.

4. The table captions should be comprehensive and self-contained, such that the readers do not have to refer to the main text in order to understand the results depicted in the tables.

5. The maximum number of tables per manuscript should not exceed 5.

6. The length of each table should not exceed 3/4th of an A4 sized paper.

7. The font size in the table should not be lesser than 10 pt. in Times New Roman.

8. The cells in the tables should be separated by both vertical and horizontal lines.

9. The tables should be cross-referenced in the manuscript,  for eg.. 'The descriptive statistics are shown in Table 1'.




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