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Voice Onset Time in Children | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 15 No 1 (1984): .

Voice Onset Time in Children

How to Cite
P, K. R., & NP, N. (1). Voice Onset Time in Children. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 15(1), 29-36. Retrieved from


The present study reports  VOT for stop  consonants  \p\, \t\  and \k\  in children. 100  male and female children belonging  to 5   age groups, ranging from  4-12  years   were  used  to  elicit 3  sentences as   responses to  3  picture  cards.  The  sentences  elicited as  responses  consisted  of the consonants  /p/ and \k\  in  initial position  and  /t/  in medial position  of the words. These were analyzed using High Resolution   Signal  Analyzer (B and  K 2033) to obtain  VOT. The  results  showed  that  there  was no significant  difference  in VOT  between   males   and   females. Between different age groups of the same sex,  except for  the  children  of 4-5  years, no other  group  had  shown  significantly  different  VOT values.


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