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Communicative disorders in some minority pre-school and school-age children in u.s.a | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 16 & 17 No 1 (1985 & 1986)

Communicative disorders in some minority pre-school and school-age children in u.s.a

How to Cite
James Monroe Stewart. (1). Communicative disorders in some minority pre-school and school-age children in u.s.a. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 16 & 17(1), 69-86. Retrieved from


The specific purposes of this study were to survey and to determine the number and prevalence of communicative disorders in a metropolitan, minority-based, comprehensive health-care facility. The rationales were developed from the limited and/or lack of accurate data on medical facilities, language disorders, and preschool children. The methodology included surveying the records for children referred Jor speech-language and audiological evaluations during the five-year calendar period 1973 through 1977. The results revealed that 3,827 children were seen for evaluation; of this number 38' 5% were diagnosed with communicative disorders.


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