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Incidence and prevalence of communicative disorders in a midsouthern public school system in U.S.A. | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 16 & 17 No 1 (1985 & 1986)

Incidence and prevalence of communicative disorders in a midsouthern public school system in U.S.A.

How to Cite
James Monroe Stewart. (1). Incidence and prevalence of communicative disorders in a midsouthern public school system in U.S.A. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 16 & 17(1), 1-18. Retrieved from


This study evaluated incidence and its demography in the Nashville public schools in grades K through 12 for the academic years 1978-79 through 1981-82. The Board of Education supplied the data on all children identified with communicative disorders, which included the served, underserved, and unserved. The results indicated an average enrollment decline of 3.24% and an average prevalence of 2.95% for primary communicative disorders in the school population. Incidence figures declined from 8.09 to 1.19%, and revealed a higher number of blacks and others than whites. The results also differentiated the gross and net incidences.


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