Vol 16 & 17 No 1 (1985 & 1986)
The Impact of volition on the relative values of reinforcers in operant conditions of a fluency period and a stuttering response
How to Cite
G, P. (1). The Impact of volition on the relative values of reinforcers in operant conditions of a fluency period and a stuttering response. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 16 & 17(1), 35-40. Retrieved from
The impact of volition was measured operationally using changing values of reinforcers on both fluency and stuttering. The ABA paradigm was used in testing five subjects Jor this purpose. With reinforcement, it was seen, only fluency increased and not the stuttering response—repetition. The influence of volition in learning is discussed.
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Bharath Raj, J., (1974) Control of stuttering behaviour through response contingent
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Bridger, W., and Mandel, J. (1965)—Abolition of PRE by Instructions in GSR
conditioning, J. Exp. Psychol. Vol. 69 p, 476, in Rachman & Teasdale, 1969.
Brutten, G. T., and Shoemaker, D. J., (1971) A two factor learning theory of
stuttering in Travis 1971.
Cook & Harris, P. E., (1937)—The verbal conditioning of the GSR. J. Exp. Psychol,
Vol. 21. p. 202 quoted by Rachman and Teasdale 1969.
Daly, D., (1964) Rate of stuttering adaptation under two different electroshock
conditions. Unpublished master's thesis Ohio University, quoted in Travis 1971.
Dattatreya, T., (1973) The effect of continuous contingent, '.Random contingent
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Master's Thesis University of Mysore.
Ekman et al (1963) Interaction of set and awareness as determinants to verbal
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Eysenck, H. J., and Rachman, S. (1965) The causes and cures of neurosis. Routledge
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through response contingent consequences, J. Exp An Behv. p. 173 (1959)
Instalment of stuttering in normally fluent individuals through operant procedures
Science 1959 Vol. 130, p. 979 in Ullman and Krasner 1962.
Fredrick, C. (1955) an investigation of learning theory and reinforcement as
related to stuttering behaviour—unpublished doctoral dissertation, University
of California, Los Angeles, quoted in Travis, 1971.
Frick J. A., (1957) An exploratory study of effect of punishment upon stuttering ;
Ph. D., dissertation State Univ. IOWA quoted by Brutten and Shoemaker, 1971.
Gross, M. S., (1968) The effect of punishment and reinforcement on the disfluencies
of stutterers, convention address ASHA quoted in Behv. Res. The Vol. 11,
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Martin & Siegel (1966a) The effects of response contingent shock on stuttering, J.
Speech Hearing Res. Vol. 9, p. 340.
Martin & Siegel (1966b) "The effects of simultaneously punishing stuttering
and rewarding fluency—J. Speech Hearing Res. Vol. 9, p. 466.
Quiest, R. W., and Martin, R. R. (1967)—The effects of response contingent punishment
on stuttering JSHR Vol. 10. p. 795.
Rathna, N. and Rangasayee, R. (1975) The Role of Volition in Human conditioning—
J. AIISH, Vol. 6. p. 67.
Richard, L. S., & Brocas, V. S. (1973) The affect of contingent stimuli on
stuttering, in proceeding of 81st Annual Convention of the APA Montreal
Abstracted in Psy. Abstracts Vol. 50 No. 7398.
Robinson, F. B., (1964) Introduction to stuttering : Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood
Timmons, R. J. C. (1966) In Van Riper 1971 Cit.
Van Riper, C, (1937) The affect of penalty upon the frequency of stuttering
spasm—J. Genel, Psycho. Vol. 50. p. 193, quoted in Travis, 1971.
Vaa Riper, C, (1971) symptomatic therapy for stuttering in Travis 1971.
Viswanath, N. S., (1972) The affects of response contingent negative stimulation on
selected responses in a moment of stg. Master's thesis, Univ. of Mysore.
Wallach, H., and Henle, M, (1941) An experimental analysis of the law. J. Exp.
Psy Voi. 28. p. 340 in Osgood (1953).
Webster, R.. L., and Dorman, M. E.. (1970) Decrease in stuttering frequency as a
function of continuous and contingent forms of auditory masking. JSHR
Vol. 13. p. 82.
comm. Vol. 8. p. 120.
Bharath Raj, J., (1974) Control of stuttering behaviour through response contingent
shocks, J. All India Institute of Speech and Hearing. Vol. 6. p. 10.
Bridger, W., and Mandel, J. (1965)—Abolition of PRE by Instructions in GSR
conditioning, J. Exp. Psychol. Vol. 69 p, 476, in Rachman & Teasdale, 1969.
Brutten, G. T., and Shoemaker, D. J., (1971) A two factor learning theory of
stuttering in Travis 1971.
Cook & Harris, P. E., (1937)—The verbal conditioning of the GSR. J. Exp. Psychol,
Vol. 21. p. 202 quoted by Rachman and Teasdale 1969.
Daly, D., (1964) Rate of stuttering adaptation under two different electroshock
conditions. Unpublished master's thesis Ohio University, quoted in Travis 1971.
Dattatreya, T., (1973) The effect of continuous contingent, '.Random contingent
and random negative stimulation on selected responses in a moment of stuttering.
Master's Thesis University of Mysore.
Ekman et al (1963) Interaction of set and awareness as determinants to verbal
conditioning. J. Abn Soc Psychol. Vol. 66, p. 387.
Eysenck, H. J., and Rachman, S. (1965) The causes and cures of neurosis. Routledge
& Kegan Paul., London.
Flanagan et al (1958) Operant stuttering ; The control of stuttering behaviour
through response contingent consequences, J. Exp An Behv. p. 173 (1959)
Instalment of stuttering in normally fluent individuals through operant procedures
Science 1959 Vol. 130, p. 979 in Ullman and Krasner 1962.
Fredrick, C. (1955) an investigation of learning theory and reinforcement as
related to stuttering behaviour—unpublished doctoral dissertation, University
of California, Los Angeles, quoted in Travis, 1971.
Frick J. A., (1957) An exploratory study of effect of punishment upon stuttering ;
Ph. D., dissertation State Univ. IOWA quoted by Brutten and Shoemaker, 1971.
Gross, M. S., (1968) The effect of punishment and reinforcement on the disfluencies
of stutterers, convention address ASHA quoted in Behv. Res. The Vol. 11,
1973 p. 43.
Haroldson, S. R., Martin RR & Starr, C. D., (1968) Timeout as a punishment
for stuttering. J Speech Hearing Res. Vol. 11, p. 560.
Hegde, M. N. (1971) The effect of shock on stuttering—J. All India Institute of
Speech and Hearing Vol. 2, p. 104.
Lazarus, A., (1963) The results of behaviour therapy in 126 cases of severe
neurosis—Behav. Res. Ther. Vol. 1, p. 65.
Martin & Siegel (1966a) The effects of response contingent shock on stuttering, J.
Speech Hearing Res. Vol. 9, p. 340.
Martin & Siegel (1966b) "The effects of simultaneously punishing stuttering
and rewarding fluency—J. Speech Hearing Res. Vol. 9, p. 466.
Quiest, R. W., and Martin, R. R. (1967)—The effects of response contingent punishment
on stuttering JSHR Vol. 10. p. 795.
Rathna, N. and Rangasayee, R. (1975) The Role of Volition in Human conditioning—
J. AIISH, Vol. 6. p. 67.
Richard, L. S., & Brocas, V. S. (1973) The affect of contingent stimuli on
stuttering, in proceeding of 81st Annual Convention of the APA Montreal
Abstracted in Psy. Abstracts Vol. 50 No. 7398.
Robinson, F. B., (1964) Introduction to stuttering : Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood
Timmons, R. J. C. (1966) In Van Riper 1971 Cit.
Van Riper, C, (1937) The affect of penalty upon the frequency of stuttering
spasm—J. Genel, Psycho. Vol. 50. p. 193, quoted in Travis, 1971.
Vaa Riper, C, (1971) symptomatic therapy for stuttering in Travis 1971.
Viswanath, N. S., (1972) The affects of response contingent negative stimulation on
selected responses in a moment of stg. Master's thesis, Univ. of Mysore.
Wallach, H., and Henle, M, (1941) An experimental analysis of the law. J. Exp.
Psy Voi. 28. p. 340 in Osgood (1953).
Webster, R.. L., and Dorman, M. E.. (1970) Decrease in stuttering frequency as a
function of continuous and contingent forms of auditory masking. JSHR
Vol. 13. p. 82.