The aim of the study was to identify and investigate the feeding and oromotor problems in children with cerebral palsy. Seventy four partici- pants with cerebral palsy and associated problems in the age group of 1.2 years to 9.6 years were screened for feeding and oromotor problems using a questionnaire that was developed. The parents of these children were
asked to respond to the questions in the questionnaire. The responses were documented as 'yes' or 'no' with a score of '1' and '0' respectively. When the frequency of feeding problems were analysed, it was found that overall, 63.51% of children with cerebral palsy exhibited problems in feeding skills like self feeding skills, vegetative skills, eating (semisolid
& solid food items), swallowing skills, preferences towards soft/ warm food items and prolonged meal times. Oral motor skills were aected in 61.70% of children. Further analysis revealed that feeding problems were highly prevalent when cerebral palsy was associated with intellectual decit. There was a correlation observed between oromotor skills and
feeding skills.Children with oro motor decits had greater feeding problems compared to children without oro motor decits. To conclude, children with cerebral palsy presented inadequate feeding and oromotor skills. Hence, it is very important for speech-language pathologists to include in depth assessment and management of feeding skills as a rehabilitative goal along with communication skills.
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