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An investigation into the relationship between anxiety and stuttering | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 33 No 1 (2014)

An investigation into the relationship between anxiety and stuttering

How to Cite
Tithi Jain, PS, S., & N, S. (1). An investigation into the relationship between anxiety and stuttering. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 33(1), 63-71. Retrieved from


The aim of the present study was to investigate the anxiety levels in persons with stuttering. Clinical group consisted of 20 persons with stuttering (PWS) in the age group of 15 to 30 years which was further divided into two groups, based on attainment of intervention program. These two groups were further subcategorized into three groups (mild, moderate and
severe) based on their severity of stuttering. The control group comprised of age matched 24 adult males (persons with no stuttering, PWNS). A `Self Analysis Form', a subjective scale for anxiety measurement was administered on both the groups. The data obtained was subjected to statistical analysis and the results revealed that there was no variation in
degree of anxiety across stuttering severity as well as with attainment of intervention. It can be concluded that anxiety does not lead to stuttering since higher levels of anxiety was present in both the groups. 


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