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Acoustic and auditory perceptual characteristics of voice in Call Center Operators | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 33 No 1 (2014)

Acoustic and auditory perceptual characteristics of voice in Call Center Operators

How to Cite
Usha Devadas, & B, R. (1). Acoustic and auditory perceptual characteristics of voice in Call Center Operators. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 33(1), 24-32. Retrieved from


The present study investigated dierence in voice characteristics between Call Center Operators (CCOs) reporting symptoms of vocal attrition and no symptoms of vocal attrition using acoustic and auditory perceptual measures of voice evaluation. A self-reported questionnaire was used to identify the CCOs experiencing vocal attrition symptoms and no vocal at-
trition symptoms. The acoustic analysis of voice performed using MDVP (Multi-Dimensional Voice Program) using phonation sample of vowel /a/. Evaluation of perceptual voice quality was made using Consensus Auditory Perceptual Evaluation of Voice (CAPE-V) scale. No signicant dierence in acoustic voice parameters observed between male CCOs
reporting vocal attrition symptoms and no vocal attrition symptoms, whereas, in female CCOs there was signicant dierence (p = 0.023) in NHR between two groups. However, when the acoustic parameters of CCOs (male & female) were compared with Indian normative values there were signicant dierences in some of the MDVP acoustic voice
parameters. Auditory perceptual rating scores between the two groups (with vocal symptoms and without) overlapped considerably such that, a substantial number of CCOs who did not report of any vocal symptoms and those who did were identied as having deviancy or normalcy in the perceptual vocal parameters respectively. Eventhough acoustic and
auditory perceptual measures of voice are found to be very useful in estab-lishing voice quality impairment, the agreement between these measures  and self-perceived vocal symptoms remains inconsistent and they can-not quantify the amount of vocal dysfunction experienced by an individual. 


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