Studies have been conducted to identify speaker's age, Ptacek and Sander, (1966); Shipp and Hollien, (1969); Ryan and Burk, (1972):Burk, Hoyer, Fey and Charlip, (1975); Hartman and Danhauer, (1969); Sex(Schwartz, 1968); Schwartz and Rine (1968); Ingemann, (1968); Coleman, (1971: 1973a; 1976); Lass, Hughes, Bowyer, Waters and Bourne, (1976); Lass, Tecca, Mancuso and Black, (1979c); Lass, Mertz and Kimmel, (1978); Lass, Almerino Jordon and Walsh, (1980d) race (Stroud, 1956; Hibler, 1960; Dickens and Sewyer, 1962; Larson and Larson,1966; Bryden, 1968; Alverenga, 1970; Abram, 1975; Lass et al, 1979c; Lass, Mertz and Kimmel, 1978; Lass et al., 1980d), Socio-econcmic status (Harms, 1961; 1963), personality (Stagner, 1936; Eisenbeig and Zalowitz, 1938; Markel, Eisleer and Reese,1967), specific identity (McGehee, 1937; Pollack, Pickett and Sumby, 1954; Compton, 1963; Voiers, 1964; Clarke Becker and Nixon, 1966; Bricker and Pruzansky,1966; Holmgeen, 1967; Stevens, Williams, Carbonell and Woods, 1968; Clarke and Becker, 1969; Coleman, 1973b) and facial features (Lass and Harvey, 1976).These studies have been considered to 'provide very useful information in a variety of future theoretical and applied areas of investi- gation' (Lass et al. 1980). For example, the information from such studies will be useful in training listeners in recognizing various characteristics of speakers.
Airport, G.W., (1963): Pattern and Growth in Personality. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Alverenga, J.A., (1971): An investigation of the ability of listeners to differentiate race on the basis of tape recorded evidence. Master's thesis (Herbert H., Lehman College) unpublished.
Bricker, P.D. and Pruzansky, S., (1966): Effects of stimulus content and duration on talker identification. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 40, 1441-9.
Bryden, J.D., (1968): An acoustic and social dialect analysis of perceptual variables in listener identification and rating of Negro speakers. Doctoral dissertation (University of Virginia), unpublished.
Burk, K.W., Hoyer, E.A., Fey, M., and Charlip, W.S., (1975): Perceptual and acoustic correlates of ageing in the female voice. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech and Hearing Association, 21-4 Nov., Washington, DC, unpublished.
Cautril, H. and Allport, G.W., (1935): The Psychology of Radio. New York: Harper.
Clarke, F.R. and Becker, R.W., (1969): Comparison of techniques for discriminating among talkers. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 12, 747-61.
Clarke, F.R., Becker, R.W. and Nixon, J.C., (1966): Characteristics that determine speaker recog- nition. Report ESD-Tr-66-636, Electronics Systems Division, Air Force System Command, Hanscom field-unpublished.
Coleman, R.O., (1971): Male and female voice quality and its relationship to vowel formant frequencies. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 14, 565-77.
Coleman, R.O., (1973a): A comparison of the contributions of two vocal characteristics to the perception of maleness and femaleness in the voice. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech and Hearing Association, Detroit, MI'-unpublished.
Coleman, R.O., (1973b):Speaker identification in the absence of inter-subject differences in'glottal source characteristics-Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 53, 1741-3.
Coieman, R.O., (1976):A comparison of the contributions of two voice quality characteristics to the perception of maleness and femaleness in the voice. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research,19, 168-80.
Compton, A.J.j (1963): Effects of filtering and vocal duration upon the identification of speakers, aurally. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 35, 1748-52.
Dickens, M. and Sawyer, G.M., (1962): An experimental comparison of vocal quality among mixed groups of Whites and Negroes. Southern Speech Journal, 18, 178-85.
Eisenberg, P. and Zalowitz, F., (1938): Judging expressive movements III . Judgements of dominance-feeling from phonograph records of voice. Journal of Applied Psychology,22, 620-31.
Fairbanks, G., (1960): Voice and Articulation Drill Book. New York: Harper and Row.
Gopal, H.S., (1980): Relationship for locating optimum frequency in the age range of 7 to 25 years. Mysore University—M.Sc, Dissertation.
George Samuel, (1973): Study of the fundamental frequency of Voice and Natural Frequency of Vocal Tracts on an Indian population of different age ranges-Mysore University M.Sc , Dissertation.
Harms, L.S., (1961): Listener judgments of status cues in speech. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 47, 164-8.
Harms, L.S., (1963): Listener comprehension of speakers of three status groups. Language and Speech 4, 109-12.
Hartman, D.E. and Danhauer, J.L., (1976): Perceptual features of speech for males in four perceived age decades- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 59, 713-5.
Herzog, H., (1933): Stinme and Personlickkeit-Z. Psychol, 130, 300-379.
Hibler, M.B., (1960): A comparative study of speech patterns of selected Negro and White kinder- garten children. Doctoral dissertation (University of Southern California), unpublished.
Holmgren, G.L., (1967): Physical and psychological correlates of speaker recognition. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 10, 57-66.
Ingemann, I., (1968): Identification of the speaker's sex from voiceless fricatives. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 44, 1142-4.
Larson, V.S. and Larson, G.H., (1966): Reactions to pronunciations. In McDavid, R.I., and Austin, W.M., Communication Barriers to the culturally deprived U.S. Office of Education Co-op. Res. Proj. No. 2107, Washington, D.C.—unpublished.
Lass, N.J., Almerino, C.A., Jordan, L.F. and Walsh, J.M., (1980b): The Effect of filtered speech on speaker race and sex identification-Journal of Phonetics,
Lass, N.J.j Beverly, A.S., Nicosia, D.K., and Simpson, L.A., (1978): An investigation of speaker height and weight identification by means of direct estimations. Journal of Phonetics, 6, 69-76.
Lass, N.J., Brong, G.W., Ciccolella, S.A., Walters, S.C., and Maxwell, F.I., (1980a): An investi- gation of speaker height and weight discriminations by means of paired, comparison judgement s. Journal of Phonetics, 8.
Lass, N.J., and Brown, W.S., (1978): Correlational study of speaker's heights, weights, body surface areas, and speaking fundamental frequencies. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (in press).
Lass, N.J. and Colt, E.G., (1980): A comparative study of the effect of visual and auditory cues on speaker height and weight identification. Journal of Phonetics (in press).
Lass, N.J. and Davis, M., (1976): An investigation of speaker's height and weight identification. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 60, 700-3.
Lass, N.J., Dicola, G.A., Beverley, A.S., Barbera, C, Henry, K.G., and Badali, M.K., (1979): The effect of phonetics complexity of speaker's height and weight identification. Language and Speech 22, 297-309.
Lass, N.J. and Harvey, L.A., (1976): An investigation of speaker photograph identification Journal of the Acoustical Society of America) 59, 1232-6.
Lass, N.J., Hughes, K.R., Bowyer, N.D. , Waters, L.T. and Bourne, V.T., (1976): Speaker sex identification from voiced, whispered, and filtered isolated vowels. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 59, 675-8.
Lass, N.J., Mertss, P.J. and Kimmel, K.L., (1978): The effect of temporal speech on speaker race and sex identification. Language and Speech, 21, 279-200.
Lass, N.J., Tecca, J.E., Mancuso, R.A. and Black, W.I., (1979c): The effect of phonetic complexity on speaker race and sex identification. Journal of Phonetics, 7, 105-118.
Markel, N., Eisler, R.M. and Reese, H.W., (1967): Judging personality from dialect. Journal of Verbal learning and Verbal behaviour, 6, 33-5.
McGehee, P., (1937): The reliability of the identification of the human voice. Journal of General Psychology, 17, 249-71.
McGloue, R.E., and Hollien, H., (1967): Vocal pitch characteristics of aged women. J.S.H.R., 6, 164-170.
Pear, T.H., (1931): Voice and Personality. London, Chapman and Hall.
Pollack, I., Pickett, J.M. and Sumby, W.H., (1954): On the identification of speakers by voice. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 26, 403-6.
Ptacek, P.H., and Sander, E.K., (1966): Age recognition from voice. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 9, 273-7.
Ryan, W.J., and Burk, K.W., (1972): Predictors of age in the male voice. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 53, 345(A).
Schwartz, M.F., (1968):Identification of speaker sex from isolated, voiceless fricatives. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 43, 1178-9.
Schwartz, M.F., and Rine, H.E., (1968): Identification of speaker sex from isolated, whispered vowels. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 44, 1736-7.
Shipp, F.T., and Hollien, H., (1969): Perception of the ageing male voice. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 12, 703-10.
Stagner, R., (1936): Judgement s of voice and personality. Journal of Educational Psychology, 27, 272-7.
Stevens, K.N., Williams, C.E., Carbonell, J.R., and Woods, B., (1968): Speaker authentication and identification: A comparsion of spectrographic and auditory presentations of speech material. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 44, 1596-607.
Stroud, R.V., (1956): A study of the relation between social distance and speech differences of White and Negro high school students of Dayton, Ohio. Master's Thesis (Bowling Green State University) unpublished.
Usha Anna Abraham, (1978): Study of fundamental frequency of voice in an Indian population. Mysore University-Dissertation.
Voiers, W.D., (1964): Perceptual bases of speaker identity. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 36, 1065-73.