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Auditory Discrimination Training in Articulation Therapy - A Pilot Study | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 12 No 1 (1981)

Auditory Discrimination Training in Articulation Therapy - A Pilot Study

How to Cite
YV, G., MG, S., & N, R. (1). Auditory Discrimination Training in Articulation Therapy - A Pilot Study. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 12(1), 36-40. Retrieved from


It has long been believed that articulation errors are the result of faulty discrimination and that discrimination training is  a pre-requisite for the  correct production of the desired sound. Auditory training has been considered as the first step in the correction of defective sounds  Van Riper and Irwin (1958), Van Riper (1939), Berry and Eisenson (1956), Kronval et al, (1954). However this  stand  is not universal. Winitz (1969) suggests that while phonemic distinction can be learned before articulatory productions, articulatory experience will affect later  discrimination. He concludes that sound discrimination learning is necessary but not a sufficient condition for sound learning (Winitz 1965). Contrary to this Ladefoged (1967), Backus and Beasley (1951) and Kumudavalli (1973) have questioned the importance of discrimination training in the learning of  articulation.


Berry, M.F. and Eisenson, J. : Speech disorders: Principle sand Practices of Therapy, London Peterowen Ltd., 1956.

Kronvall, E.L. and Diehl, C.F. : The relationship of auditory discrimination to articulation defects of children with no known organic impairment. J.S.H.D. 19, 1954 (335-338).

Kumudavalli : The relationship between articulation and discrimination of Kannada Speech Sounds in terms of distinctive features (1973).

Ladefoged, P. :Three areas of experimental phonetics, Oxford University Press(1967).

Liberman, A.M., et al. : An effect of learning on Speech perception : The discrimination of duration of silence with and without significance. Language and Speech, (1961).

Perkins, W.H. : Speech Pathology- An applied behavioural Science. The C.V. Mosly Company, Saint Louis, 1977, pp. 73.

Van Riper and Irwin J.V. : Vice and Articulation, Engle Wood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.

Wepman, J.M. : Auditory discrimination test : Manual of Directions, Chicago: Language Research Associates, 1958- Quoted by Winitz (1969).