Vol 7 No 1 (1976)
case with abnormal tone decay and recruitment as measured by ABLB (auto) test: typical or atypical?
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MN, V. (1). case with abnormal tone decay and recruitment as measured by ABLB (auto) test. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 7(1), 89-96. Retrieved from
A case of abnormal tone decay demonstrating recruitment is reported. If we accept that recruitment is an artifact, the findings of this case are typical of ABLB {auto presentation) test. On the other hand, if vie consider that recruitment is a fact the findings of this case are atypical of ABLB test indicating co-existence of the two lesions viz. cochlear and retrocochlear. If we accept that recruitment is an artifact, ABLB {auto) test is not a useful test in differential diagnosis of cochlear Vs. retrocochlear as recruitment measured by ABLB {auto) test is expected in all SN loss cases irrespective of tone decay provided factors like crossover, diplacusis, pulse rate and error of judgement are controlled.
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decruitment. Ann. Otol. 75, 87-94 (1966),
2. Dix, M. R. and Hallpike, C. S. Discussion on acoustic neuroma. Laryngoscope, 70,
105-122, (I960;.
3*. Fowler, E. P. Some attributes of loudness recruitment. Trans. Amer. Otol. Soc. 53,
78-84 (1965).
4. Green, D. S. "Threshold Tone decay" In Hand book of clinical Audio'ogy (ed. by Katz).
The Williams and Wilkins Co. Baltimore.
5. Harbert, F. and Young, I. M. 'Clinical application of hearing tests'. Arch. Otolaryng.
(Chicago) 76, 55-67 (1962b).
6. Harbert, F. and Young, I. M. 'Threshold Auditory adoptation measured by tone
decay test and Bekesy audiometry'. Ann. Otol., 73, 48-60 (1964a).
7. Hughes, R. L. Atypical responses to the SISI. Ann. Otol, 77, 332-337 (1968).
8. Jagadish, R. K. 'Recruitment—a fact or artifact?' J. ofAIISH, Vol. 1, pp. 50-53 (1970).
9. Jerger, J. Differential intensity-sensitivity in the ear with loudness recruitment.
J. Speech Dis. 20, 183 (1955).
10. Jerger, J. F. 'Recruitment and allid phenomena in differential diagnosis'. J. of Aud.
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11. Jerger, J. and Waller, J. 'Some observations on masking and on the progression of
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12. Johnson, E.W pp. 'Auditory testresults in 110 surgically confirmed retrocochlear lesion •
cases'. J. Speech and Hearing Disorders, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 307-317 (1965).
13. Katinsky, S. 'Cochlear findings in retrocochlear lesion cases'. Audiology, Vol. 11,
pp, 213-217 (1972).
14. Matkin, N. D. et al. 'Audiological manifestations of acute neural lesion in cases with
Meniere's disease'.J, of Speechand Hearing Disorders, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 370-375(1965).
. 15. Newby(1965). Audiology. New York Press (1965).
16. Owens. 'The SISI test and VIII nerve Vs. Cochlear involvement'. J. Speech nad
Hearing Disorders, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 252-262 (1965).
17. Shapiro, I. and Naunton, R. F. 'Audiological evaluation of Acoustic Neuromas'.
J. Speech and Hearing Disorders, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 29-35 (1967).
18 Swarnalatha, K. C. 'The Development and Standardization of speech test material in
English for Indians'. Dissertation submitted as a partial fulfilment for JVI.Sc. (Mysore
University). (1972).
19. Vyasamurthy, M. N. "ABLB-a test for functional hearing loss". Journal of AIISH,
Vol. I l l , 125-127(1972).
20. Young and Harbert. 'Significance of SISI test'. J. Aud. Res., 303-311 (1967).