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A study on congenital hearing loss in relation to venereal disease | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 7 No 1 (1976)

A study on congenital hearing loss in relation to venereal disease

How to Cite
S, K., PV, R., KT, J., & S, M. (1). A study on congenital hearing loss in relation to venereal disease. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 7(1), 53-58. Retrieved from


A review of literature shows that there are only a few studies reported on congenital hearing loss following -venereal diseases (Karmody et al 1966; Perlman and Leek 1952 and William 1945). Our present study was to throw some light on this particular aetiological factor precipitating hard of hearing. It was a collaborative work of the department of Audiology and Speech Pathology in the Institute of Otorhinolaryngology and the Institute of Venereology, Madras Medical College, Madras.


1. Collin, S. K., and Schuknecht, H. F., (1966) Deafness in Congenital Syphilis; Arch.
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2. Dalsgaard-Neilson, E. (1938), Correlation between syphilitic interstitial keratitis and
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3. Kapur, Y. P. (1968); A study of the aetiology and pattern of deafness in a school for the
deaf in Madras, S. India, Proceedings. Congr, World Fed. of Deaf, Warsaw (1967).
4. Moore, M. B. Jr., (1963). TheEpidemology of Syphilis; j.A-M.A 186, 831 -834 Nov. 30.
5. Perlman, H. B. and Leek J. H. (1952); Late congenital syphilis of the ear. Laryngoscope
62; 1175-1196.
6. Rajenderkumar, P. V. and Kameswaran, S. (1973) "An analytical study of cases of Deaf
Mutism in a South Indian Hospital", Silent World, Dec. 1973.
7. Sowmini (1974) Personal communication.
8. Williams (1945): cited by Jackson, C. and Jackson, C. L. Diseases of Nose, Throat and
Ear, including Bronchoscopy and Oesophagoscopy.