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Functional disorders of speech and hearing in a south Indian general hospital | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 3 No 1 (1972): .

Functional disorders of speech and hearing in a south Indian general hospital

Published June 27, 1972
How to Cite
S, K. (1972). Functional disorders of speech and hearing in a south Indian general hospital. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 3(1), 133-136. Retrieved from


The child guidance clinics often receive patients with stammering. These
patients, generally, come after all the available medical examinations have been
tried. This is because in our country, such a problem is supposed to be a medical
subject. When such cases are received it becomes easier to look for the causes of
stammering. The factors contributing and precipitating lie mostly in the child's
socio-emotional spheres.

