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Effect of Palatal Lift Prosthesis on Laryngeal Aerodynamics and Voice Quality in Sub-Mucous Cleft Palate | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 31 No 1 (2012)

Effect of Palatal Lift Prosthesis on Laryngeal Aerodynamics and Voice Quality in Sub-Mucous Cleft Palate

Published September 11, 2020
  • Cleft Palate,
  • Prosthesis,
  • Laryngeal,
  • Areodynamics
How to Cite
A, N., P, G. K., & M, P. (2020). Effect of Palatal Lift Prosthesis on Laryngeal Aerodynamics and Voice Quality in Sub-Mucous Cleft Palate. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 31(1), 23-32. Retrieved from


The closure of velopharyngeal port is essential for normal resonance in speech. The abnormality of velopharyngeal port (VPP) in persons with cleft palate leads to compensatory changes in laryngeal valving and higher prevalence of voice disorder. Palatal lift prosthesis is one of the rehabilitation options for individuals with submucous cleft palate (SMCP). The present study investigates the influence of velopharyngeal dynamics on laryngeal airway dynamics and voice quality in an individual with SMCP using palatal lift prosthesis. Laryngeal aerodynamic parameters such as Sub-Glottic Pressure (SGP), Laryngeal Airway Resistance (LAR), Mean Air Flow Rate (MAFR) and Dysphonia Severity Index (DSI) were obtained with and without using prosthesis before and after 20 minutes of vocal loading task. Age and gender matched subjects served as controls. The results indicated variations in the laryngeal aerodynamics (LAR) and voice quality following vocal loading in individual with SMCP than compared to normal subjects. The reduction in the measures of the laryngeal resistance and subglottic pressure in the individual with SMCP was noticed with the use of palatal lift prosthesis. These variations indicate the influence of palatal lift prosthesis in reducing the laryngeal compensatory behavior.