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A test of aphasia in malayalam | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 24 & 25 No 1 (1993 & 1994)
Dissertation Abstract

A test of aphasia in malayalam

How to Cite
Jeny Elizabeth Philip. (1). A test of aphasia in malayalam. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 24 & 25(1), 48. Retrieved from


As there is no aphasia test in Malayalam to test the communication skills in aphasics, an attempt was made to construct a test based on WAB (Kertesz,
1979). The new test thus developed for aphasics in Malayalam consists of 4 language subtests.
(1) Spontaneous speech : Information content, Fluency.
(2) Auditory comprehension
(3) Repetition
(4) Naming and 3 performance tests
(5) Reading
(6) Writing
(7) Praxis, and a subtest to measure intelligence and visuospatial performance.
(8) Construction: Drawing

