Elderly teachers may suffer impacts in voice due to prolonged use of voice for teaching, and changes that occur at old age. The study aimed to profile voice related concerns in elderly teachers by compiling the health status, life style, their knowledge about the voice changes, their voice characteristics which consequently affect their communication in daily life. The study was carried out among 150 teachers in three phases that included development of questionnaires, pilot study to validate the questionnaire and survey of voice related concerns in elderly college teachers. On analyzing the life style and general health, there were no significant changes in voice as a result of smoking, consumption of alcohol, carbonated drinks and non vegetarian diet. Most of the subjects reported of adequate water intake and involved in regular physical exercises. Subject who reported difficulty in hearing (42%), swallowing (22%) and gastric problems (42%) were prone to develop changes in voice. Female subjects who had problems related to menopause reported to have changes in voice. Individuals with adequate knowledge on aging effects of voice were able to identify changes in their voice. Speaking with increased effort was one of the frequently reported symptoms. Subjects who reported to have voice changes were upset (negative emotion, & possibly affected quality of life) and problems in daily communication were expected. Results of this study highlighted various aspects on voice concerns of elderly teachers. Health related issues and life style factors may be considered as risk factors to develop voice problem in them. It is important to improve knowledge on lifestyle patterns and factors contributing to voice changes in the elderly to facilitate and accept age related changes in voice. Results of this study will aid to sensitize speech pathologists regarding the voice related concerns in elderly teachers that are socio-culturally relevant.
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