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The G.P.I. and the speech pathologist | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 1 No 1 (1970): .

The G.P.I. and the speech pathologist

Published June 8, 1970
How to Cite
Shetty, P. S. (1970). The G.P.I. and the speech pathologist. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 1(1), 63-68. Retrieved from


'Half a century ago general paralysis of the insane constituted a high pro- portion  of  mental  hospital  admissions  and  accounted  for  an  appreciable  part of the chronic population of such institutions.   However, with the development of  increasingly  effective  methods  of treatment,  cerebral  syphillitic  infection is becoming relatively rare' (Mayer-Gross et al., 1960)


1. Mayer-Gross, W., Slater, E., and Roth, M. (1960) Clinical Psychiatry. London: Cassell and Company Ltd.
2. Noyes, A. P., and Kolb, L. C. (1966) Modern Clinical Psychiatry. Philadelphia: W. B.
Saunders Company.
3. West, R. and Ansberry, M. (1968) The Rehabilitation of Speech. New York: Harper & Row