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Acoustical Analysis Of Voice In Geriatric Populations | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 22 & 23 No 1 (1991 & 1992)
Dissertation Abstract

Acoustical Analysis Of Voice In Geriatric Populations

How to Cite
T, S. (1). Acoustical Analysis Of Voice In Geriatric Populations. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 22 & 23(1), 106-107. Retrieved from


The past two decades have been witness to an increasing application in acoustic analysis to the study of speech development in children. "Sometimes
the acoustic analysis is appropriate to test certain hypothesis about developmental changes in anatomy, motor control and physiological function"
(Kent, 1976). Objectives of study of variations in acoustic parameters with age are to establish norms across all age groups; to relate to the development of motor
control of laryngeal phonatory mechanism; to help in differentiation of normal -> from dyshponics; to know normal pattern of age changes and to differentiate
from disorders in old age.

