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The Oral Diadochokinesis in the Speech of the Hearing Impaired | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 22 & 23 No 1 (1991 & 1992)
Dissertation Abstract

The Oral Diadochokinesis in the Speech of the Hearing Impaired

How to Cite
Bagul, P. S. (1). The Oral Diadochokinesis in the Speech of the Hearing Impaired. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 22 & 23(1), 89. Retrieved from


The study was aimed at measuring oral diadochokinesis in the hearing
impaired subjects and to find out the relationship between:
a) Degree of hearing loss and diadochokinetic rate.
b) Diadochokenetic rate and speech intelligibility.
c) Speech intelligibility and degree of hearing loss.
Specifically, the study aimed at answering the following questions:
a) Is there a significant difference between normal hearing and hearing impaired
subjects with respect to the oral diadochokinetic syllable production ?
b) Is there a relationship between degree of hearing loss and speech
intelligibility scores?
c) Is there a relationship between oral diadochokinesis and speech intelligibility?

