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Effects of Highlighting Fluency and Dysfluency in Stutterer | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 14 No 1 (1983): .

Effects of Highlighting Fluency and Dysfluency in Stutterer

How to Cite
Mahapatra, S. (1). Effects of Highlighting Fluency and Dysfluency in Stutterer. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 14(1), 169-177. Retrieved from


Flanagan, Goldiamond and Azrin (1958) were the first ones who described operant control over stuttering. The application of these operant principles for the  treatment of  stuttering has been  principally  in two : ways (l) punishment or use of aversive contingencies for the unwanted dysfluencies, (2) reward or use of   positive non-aversive  contingencies with the fluency. Some authors  however used both punishment for dysfluencies  and rewards for fluency.


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