June 8, 1970
How to Cite
Saraswathi Menon. (1970). The Bobaths’ approach to Cerebral Palsy habilitation - a review. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 1(1), 14-20. Retrieved from
The Bobaths' method of treatment (Bobath and Bobath 1955,1959) of cerebral palsy is one of physiological rehabilitation and is based upon resistance to primitive reflex patterns that children with this problem tend to exhibit. Their approach differs from other approaches currently practiced and is based on the premise that the fundamental disturbance in the motor behavior of the cerebral palsied child is his inability to inhibit control over basic postural reflexes. Their treatment enables the patient to achieve control over the larger muscular movements required for moving his body, which the Bobaths feel, is a prerequisite for gaining control over the finer movements required for speech.
1.Bobath, K. and Bobath, B. (1955) Tonic Reflexes and Righting Reflexes in the diagnosis and assessment of Cerebral Palsy. Cerebral Palsy Review, 16, 4-10.
2. Bobath, K. (1959). The neuropathology of Cerebral Palsy and its importance in treatment and diagnosis. Cerebral Palsy Bulletin, Winter 1959, 13-33.
3.Crickmay, M. (1955). Description and Orientation of the Bobath method with reference to Speech Rehabilitation in Cerebral Palsy, Chicago: National Society for Crippled Children and Adults Inc.
4. Mysak, E. D., (1963) Principles of Reflex Therapy approach to Cerebral Palsy. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University.
2. Bobath, K. (1959). The neuropathology of Cerebral Palsy and its importance in treatment and diagnosis. Cerebral Palsy Bulletin, Winter 1959, 13-33.
3.Crickmay, M. (1955). Description and Orientation of the Bobath method with reference to Speech Rehabilitation in Cerebral Palsy, Chicago: National Society for Crippled Children and Adults Inc.
4. Mysak, E. D., (1963) Principles of Reflex Therapy approach to Cerebral Palsy. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University.