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Perspectives on Emergent Literacy in Bilingual Children | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 34 No 1 (2015): .
Perspective Articles

Perspectives on Emergent Literacy in Bilingual Children

How to Cite
Rao, P. K. (1). Perspectives on Emergent Literacy in Bilingual Children. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 34(1), 17-24. Retrieved from


The term literacy is quite fascinating to speech-language pathologists and audiologists as the roots of literacy emerge from listening and speaking, i.e., communication skills. The complex and intricate connections between literacy and communication warrants a close examination of the skills that facilitate development of literacy related skills in young
children. The development, however, is often subtle as children abstract the prerequisites by way of use of language for communication. Given the nature of association between language and literacy, it becomes necessary to understand the various dimensions and components of language that support a child to learn literacy skills. While there is fairly satisfactory information in respect of the above on children from monolingual population, very little information is available to date on bilingual children from linguistically diverse countries. This perspective article on emergent literacy in bilingual children has drawn information from many sources to re ect on the current status of emergent literacy in bilingual children in contrast to monolingual children. The article also re ects the author's perspective on pertinent issues of advocacy, policy making, and language of instruction along with promotion and facilitation of emergent literacy skills in bilingual children to meet the vision of Literacy by 2020. 


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