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Pandita, R. (1). Spectrographic Analysis of Dysarthric Speech. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 14(1), 135-142. Retrieved from
"Speech basically results by three motor processes ; exhalation, phona- tion and articulation. For each speech sound there is a separate neuromuscular configuration that involves as a functional unit, all the musculature of the speech organ" (West and Ansberry, 1968).
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Rosenbeck , J. C , an d LaPointe , L.L. , The Dysarthrias : Description Diagnosis and Treatment ; I n D . F . John s (Ed) Clinical Management of Neurogenic Communicative Disorders . Boston : Little and Brown , 1978
Darley , F. , Th e Dysarthrias-Distinguishing feature s an d Gestalt s o f the major types . Australia n Journal of Human Communication Disorders , 2 0 ; 28 , 1975.
Darley , F . L. , Aronson , A . E. , an d Brown , J . R. , Cluster o f deviant speech
dimension s i n th e Dysarthrias . J. Speech . Hear , Res . 12 : 462, 1962.
Darley , F . L. , Aronson , A . E. , an d Brown , J . R , Differential diagnostic patter n o f dysarthria . J. Speech Hear . Res . 12 : 246, 1969.
Darley , F . L. , Aronson , A . E. , an d Brown . J . R. , Moto r Speech Disorders .
Philadelphi a : Saunders , 1975.
Kent , R . D. , Netsell , R., an d Bauer , L.L. , Cineradiographic assessmen t o f articulator y mobilit y i n th e dysarthrias . J. Speech Hear . Disord . 40 : 467, 1975.
Kent , R . D. , Netsell , R. , & Abbs. , J . H. , Acoustic characteristic s o f Dysarthria associate d wit h cerebcllar disease . J. Speech. Hear . Disord . 22 : 627, 1979.
Kent. , R. D. , an d Netsell , R. , A Case Stud y of an ataxic dysarthric :. Cineradio - graphic an d Specrtographic observation . J. Speech . Hear . Disord . 40 : 115, 1975.
Rosenbeck , J. C , an d LaPointe , L.L. , The Dysarthrias : Description Diagnosis and Treatment ; I n D . F . John s (Ed) Clinical Management of Neurogenic Communicative Disorders . Boston : Little and Brown , 1978