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The Spectrographic Analysis of Stutterer's Speech under Delayed Auditory Feedback | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 14 No 1 (1983): .

The Spectrographic Analysis of Stutterer's Speech under Delayed Auditory Feedback

How to Cite
CV, R. (1). The Spectrographic Analysis of Stutterer’s Speech under Delayed Auditory Feedback. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 14(1), 127-134. Retrieved from


The development and influence of cybernetics has given rise to  a number of hypothetical  models, such as those by Fairbanks (1954) and Mysak (1966) which  describe the essential monitoring system for speech as closed feedback loops and have concluded that any disruptions in the monitoring system might  lead  to  speech disturbances.


Adanczyk, B., "An wendung des apparatus fur die erzeugung von Kunstlichen wider hall beider behandlung des stotterns". Fol. Phoniatri, 11 (1959), 216-218 cited by Soderberg "Delayed auditory feedback and the speech Of stutterers". J. Speech Hear. Dis. 33 (1969) P. 23.

Adams, M. R., and Reis, R., "The influence of the onset of phonation on the frequency of stuttering" • J. Speech and Hearing Res.» 14, 639-644 (1971)

Agnello, J. G., and Wingate M. E., "Some acoustic and Physiological aspect of stuttered speech"', paper presented at annual conference of ASHA, San Francisco, cited by Schwartz in core of stuttering block, J. Speech and Hearing Dis. 39, 1974.

Basil, Babul, "Voice onset time for stutterers and non-stutterers", Mysore
University Dissertation, (1979)

Black, J. W., "The Effects of Delayed Side tone upon Vocal Rate and Intensity"
J. Speech Hear. Dis., 16, (195!), 56-60.

Chase, R. A., Sutton, S,, First, D., and, Zubin J., "A developmental study of changes in behaviour under delayed auditory feedback", J. Genet, Psycho., 99, (1961a), 101-112, cited by Smith, K. V. Delayed Sensory Feedback and Behaviour (Philadelphia, Sanders, 1962)

Fairbanks, G.» "Systematic Research in Experimental Phonetics. I. A. Theory of the Speech Mechanism As A Servo System", J. Speech Hear. Eis, 19 (1954), 133-139.

Goldiamond, I., "Stuttering and Fluency as manipulatable Operant Response Classes", cited by L. Krasner and L. P. Ullman (eds), Research in Behavior Modification, (Newyork, Holt, 1965), 106-156.

Hillman, R. E., and Gilbert, H. R., "Voice onset time for Voiceless stop conso- nants in thejiuent reading of stutterers and non-stutterers" J, Acoust. So c Amer.. 61,610-612, (1977).

Lee, B. S., "Some effects of side-tone delay", J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., 92, (1950). 639-640.

Lee, B S., "Artificial Stutter"', J. Speech Hear. Dis., 16, (1951), 53-55.

Logue, R. D., "The effects of temporal alternations in Auditory Feedback upon the speech output of stutterers and non-stutterers" (M.A. thesis, Prudne Univ. 1962), cited by Soderberg, G, ' 'Delayed Auditory Feedback and Speech of stutterers", J. Speech Head. Dis. (1969), P. 31.

Lotzmann, G., "Zur anwendung variierter verzogerungszeiten bei balbuties", Folia Phoniatr., by Soderberg, G, "Delayed auditory feedback and speech and stutterers", J. Speech Hear. Dis., 33 (1969) p. 22-

Mysak, E. D.,"Speech Pathology and Feedback Theory" (Illinois,Thomas Books, 1966).

Nataraja, Ramesh and Rajkumar, "Dysfluencies in Normals under DAF: I". JAIISH 13, (1982) P 41-45

Nessel, E., "Die Verz ogerts sprachauckk opplung (Lee effect) bei der stotterrn", Folia Phoniatr., 10, (1958), 199-204, cited by Soderberg, G., "Delayed Auditory Feedback and the speech of stutterers," J. Speech Hear. Dis., 33 (1969), p. 21.

Soderberg, G., "Delayed Auditory Feedback and the Speech of stutterers",
J. Speech Hear. Dis. , 33 (1969), 20-29.