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Ravens Colored Progrssive Matrices- An Initial Try Out for the Development of Norms for the Hearing-Impaired. | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 22 & 23 No 1 (1991 & 1992)

Ravens Colored Progrssive Matrices- An Initial Try Out for the Development of Norms for the Hearing-Impaired.

How to Cite
P, V., & Ray, J. (1). Ravens Colored Progrssive Matrices- An Initial Try Out for the Development of Norms for the Hearing-Impaired. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 22 & 23(1), 30-37. Retrieved from


The Raven's coloured progressive matrices was administered to a group of 60 normal and 60 hearing impaired children within the age range of 5-11 years as an initial try out for the development of norms for the hearing impaired. A comparison of the performance of the two groups did not yield significant differences.


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