Functional hearing loss is a term used to describe hearing loss which appears greater than that can be explained on the basis of pathology of the auditory system (Martin, 1985). A review of literature suggests that a number of tests have been used to detect pseudohypoacusis. A majority of the clinicians may believe that objective tests yield more reliable information than subjective tests in detecting functional hearing loss. Though objective tests like immittance evaluation and auditory brainstem response are useful in a majority of the patients, it may not be possible to use them successfully with all the patients. Presented here are case
reports of four patient's in whom functional hearing loss was suspected. The case reports highlight the variability in patients with functional hearing loss.
loss In Jerger, J (Ed). Modern developments in
Audiology. New York: Academic Press.
Cooper. J.C. (1980). Assessment of functional hearing
loss. In R.R. Rupp and K.G. Stockdell (Eds) Speech
Protocols in Audiology. New York : Grune & Straton.
Doer Fler . L.G. (1951) cited in Martin, F.N., (1985)
Pseudohypacusis: In J. Katz (Ed.) Handbook of Clinical
Audiology. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
Fria, J.J. (1980). The auditory brainstem response:
Background and clinical applications. Monographs in
contemporary Audioloav 2(2), 1-38
Hopkinson, N.T., (1978) Speech tests for
pseudohypacusis In Katz, J., (Ed.) Handbook of clinical
Audiology. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
Martin, F.N. (1985), Pseudohypoacusis. In J.Katz (Ed.)
Handbook of clinical Audiology Baltimore: Williams &
Jerger, S., & Jerger, J. (1981). Auditory Disorders: A
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SubbaRao, T.A. (1981). Development and standardization
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pseudohypoacusis. An Unpublished Independent
project, University of Mysore, Mysore.