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Linguistic profile test (lpt) - normative data for children in grades i to v | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 20 No 1 (1989)

Linguistic profile test (lpt) - normative data for children in grades i to v

How to Cite
M.G. Suchitra and Pratibha Karanth. (1). Linguistic profile test (lpt) - normative data for children in grades i to v. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 20(1), 14-27. Retrieved from


The study focussed on the collection of normative data for school going children from Grade I to Grade V for the Linguistic Profile Test (LPT). 150 children ranging in age from 6+ years to 10+ years were the subjects in the current study. There were 30 subjects in each age group. Mean and standard deviation of LPT scores (total scores) were calculated. Mean and standard deviations of each of the three sections (Phonology, Syntax and Semantics) of LPT was also obtained. The normative data would be useful in identifying children with language disorders at particular linguistic, levels and also as a baseline for speech language


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