Vol 10 No 1 (1979)
Effect of test tone levels and contralateral masking noise levels on the SISI scores for normal seilsori-neuralloss cases
How to Cite
G, P. (1). Effect of test tone levels and contralateral masking noise levels on the SISI scores for normal seilsori-neuralloss cases. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 10(1), 181. Retrieved from
As new tests are developed and old ones refined the aUdi.ologist finds himself with more and more tools at his disposal for determination of locus of auditory lesion'. (Martin, 1970)
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Luscher - Zwislocki ' A Simple method for indirect monaural determination of the .recruitm.
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equipment' Acta Otolaryng, 62, 201-212 1969.
Belgvad & T-erkildsen, 'SISI test and contralateral masking', Acta Otolaryng,. 62, .53-458,
Dix, Hallpike & Hood, t Observation upon the loudness recruitment phenomenon with
special reference to, the ,differential diagnosis of disorders of internal ear and VII
Nerve' 1948.
Jerler, t A difference limen recruitment tcst and its diagnostic significant' 1953.
Jerger, 'On determination of small changes in sound intensity, 'Archieves of Otolaryng.
69,200-211, 1959.
Jerger' Comparative evaluation of some auditory measures' J.S.H.R. 5, 3t 1962.
Johnson, I Confirmed Retrocochlear lesions Auditory results in 163 patients' Arch. Otolaryng,
84, 247-254, 1966.
Johnson, 'Auditory Findings in 200 cases of acoustic neuromas ' Arch. Otolaryng. 88,
598-603, 1968.
Luscher - Zwislocki ' A Simple method for indirect monaural determination of the .recruitm.
ent phenomenon' Quoted from Katz.
Yantis & Decker 'On the short increment sens-itivity index' J. S. H. D'., 29,231-246, 1964.