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K, S. (1). Analysis and synthesis of speech of hearing impaired. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 20(1), 72 -. Retrieved from
"One of the most recognized but probably least understood concomitants of deafness is a deficit of oral communication skills". (Metz etal., 1982). "Deafness is a fearsome problem largely because of the barrier to communication which it creates. The obvious effect of this barrier is to prevent the deaf from understanding what others say, but it may also impede them from speaking intelligibly. The magnitude of their problem is illustrated by recent studies suggesting that of prelingually deaf children, hearing losses of 90 dB or more, about 75% have speech classified as "barely intelligible" or "worse". (Conrad, 1979).
Angelocci, A.A. (1962) "Some observations on the speech of the deaf1, the Volta
Review., 64, 403-405.
Gold,T. (1980) "Speech production inhearing impaired children", J.C.D., 13, 397-
Leeper, et. al, (1987), "Influence of utterance length upon temporal measures of syllable production by selected hearing-impaired children", Folia Phoniatrica, 39,
Osberger, M.H & McGarr, N.S (1982) published Master's dissertation, Univer-
"Speech production characteristics of the sity of Mysore.
hearing impaired11 Status report on speech Ravishankar, K.C. (1985) "An examination
research., Jan-March, Haskins labourato- of the relationship between speech intelliries,
New Haven, Conn., 227-290. gibility of the hearing impaired receptive
Oster, A.M. (1985) "The use of a synthesis and productive variables", Unpublished
by rule system in a study of deaf speech", doctoral thesis, University of Mysore.
Quarterly progress and status Report., Shukla, R S S (1987) "Objective measure-
STL, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), ments of the speech of the hearing im-
Stockholm Sweden, 95-107. paired" Unpublished doctoral thesis, Uni-
Parkhurst, H & Levitt, h (1978) "The effect versity of Mysore.
of selected prosodic errors on the intelligi- Stark, R.E (1979) "Speech of the hearing
bility of deaf speech", J.C.D., 11, 249- impaired child", In Bradford, L.J & Hardy,
256. W.G. (Ed) "Hearing and Hearing impair-
Rajanikanth, B.R (1986) "Acoustic analysis ment", New York, Grune & Stratton, 229-
ofthe speech of the hearing impaired", u n- 248.
Levitt, et. al., (1975), "Acoustic, articulatory
and perceptual characteristics of the
speech of the deaf children", In Fant G,
(Ed) "Speech Communication proceedings
of the Speech Communication Seminar'',
Vol. 4, Stockholm, Almguist & Wiksell
Internationa, 121-139.
Ling, D (1976) "Speech and the hearing impaired
child: theory & practice"; the A.G.
Bell Association for the Deaf Inc., Washington,
Maassen, B (1986) "Marking word boundaries
to improve the intelligibility of the
speech of the deaf J.S.H.R. 29, 227-230.
Maassen B & Povel, D.T (1984 b) "The
effect of correcting fundemental frequency
on the intelligibility of deaf speech and its
interaction with temporal aspects",
J.A.S.A., 76, 1673-1681.
Maassen, B & Povel, D.J (1985) "The effect
of segmental and suprasegmental corrections
on the intelligibility of deaf speech",
J.A.S.A., 78(3), 877-877.
McGarr, N.S & Osberger, M.J (1978) "Pitch
deviancy and intelligibility of deaf speech",
J.C.D., 11,237-247.
Metz, et. al., (1985) "Acoustic dimensions
of hearing impaired speakers intelligibility"
J.S.H.R., 28,345-355.
Monsen, R.B. (1978) Towards measuring
how well deaf children speak", J. S.H. R..,
21, 197-219.
Monsen, R.B. (1983) "The oral speech intelligibility
of hearing impaired talkers",
J.S.H.D.., 48, 286-296.
Monsen, R.B. & Leiter, E (1975) "Comparison
of intelligibility with duration and
pitch control in the speech of deaf children,
"J.A.S.A., Suppl. 1, 57, 569 (A).
Osberger, M.J and Levitt, H (1979), "The
effect of timing errors on the intelligibility
of deaf children's speech", J.A.S.A., 66,
Review., 64, 403-405.
Gold,T. (1980) "Speech production inhearing impaired children", J.C.D., 13, 397-
Leeper, et. al, (1987), "Influence of utterance length upon temporal measures of syllable production by selected hearing-impaired children", Folia Phoniatrica, 39,
Osberger, M.H & McGarr, N.S (1982) published Master's dissertation, Univer-
"Speech production characteristics of the sity of Mysore.
hearing impaired11 Status report on speech Ravishankar, K.C. (1985) "An examination
research., Jan-March, Haskins labourato- of the relationship between speech intelliries,
New Haven, Conn., 227-290. gibility of the hearing impaired receptive
Oster, A.M. (1985) "The use of a synthesis and productive variables", Unpublished
by rule system in a study of deaf speech", doctoral thesis, University of Mysore.
Quarterly progress and status Report., Shukla, R S S (1987) "Objective measure-
STL, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), ments of the speech of the hearing im-
Stockholm Sweden, 95-107. paired" Unpublished doctoral thesis, Uni-
Parkhurst, H & Levitt, h (1978) "The effect versity of Mysore.
of selected prosodic errors on the intelligi- Stark, R.E (1979) "Speech of the hearing
bility of deaf speech", J.C.D., 11, 249- impaired child", In Bradford, L.J & Hardy,
256. W.G. (Ed) "Hearing and Hearing impair-
Rajanikanth, B.R (1986) "Acoustic analysis ment", New York, Grune & Stratton, 229-
ofthe speech of the hearing impaired", u n- 248.
Levitt, et. al., (1975), "Acoustic, articulatory
and perceptual characteristics of the
speech of the deaf children", In Fant G,
(Ed) "Speech Communication proceedings
of the Speech Communication Seminar'',
Vol. 4, Stockholm, Almguist & Wiksell
Internationa, 121-139.
Ling, D (1976) "Speech and the hearing impaired
child: theory & practice"; the A.G.
Bell Association for the Deaf Inc., Washington,
Maassen, B (1986) "Marking word boundaries
to improve the intelligibility of the
speech of the deaf J.S.H.R. 29, 227-230.
Maassen B & Povel, D.T (1984 b) "The
effect of correcting fundemental frequency
on the intelligibility of deaf speech and its
interaction with temporal aspects",
J.A.S.A., 76, 1673-1681.
Maassen, B & Povel, D.J (1985) "The effect
of segmental and suprasegmental corrections
on the intelligibility of deaf speech",
J.A.S.A., 78(3), 877-877.
McGarr, N.S & Osberger, M.J (1978) "Pitch
deviancy and intelligibility of deaf speech",
J.C.D., 11,237-247.
Metz, et. al., (1985) "Acoustic dimensions
of hearing impaired speakers intelligibility"
J.S.H.R., 28,345-355.
Monsen, R.B. (1978) Towards measuring
how well deaf children speak", J. S.H. R..,
21, 197-219.
Monsen, R.B. (1983) "The oral speech intelligibility
of hearing impaired talkers",
J.S.H.D.., 48, 286-296.
Monsen, R.B. & Leiter, E (1975) "Comparison
of intelligibility with duration and
pitch control in the speech of deaf children,
"J.A.S.A., Suppl. 1, 57, 569 (A).
Osberger, M.J and Levitt, H (1979), "The
effect of timing errors on the intelligibility
of deaf children's speech", J.A.S.A., 66,