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Effect of varying air pressure in the external auditory meatus on sound pressure levels required to elicit stapedius muscle reflex | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 20 No 1 (1989)

Effect of varying air pressure in the external auditory meatus on sound pressure levels required to elicit stapedius muscle reflex

How to Cite
Venkatesh Aithal. (1). Effect of varying air pressure in the external auditory meatus on sound pressure levels required to elicit stapedius muscle reflex. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 20(1), 38 -. Retrieved from


Is it essential to maintain the air pressure in the monitored ear equivalent to that of the middle ear pressure while measuring stapedius
muscle reflex threshold? It is customary to maintain the air pressure in the monitored ear equivalent to that of middle ear pressure while measuring stapedius reflex threshold. It is logical because reflex change could be easily detected only if the tympanic membrance is at its maximum compliance. This can be achieved when the air pressure an either side is the same.


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