Vol 13 No 1 (1982)
How to Cite
VU, N. (1). Effect of Binaural Masking Noise on Stuttering - A Spectographic, Analysis. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 13(1), 164-169. Retrieved from
The present study was aimed at spectrographically analysing the different parameters of speech i.e., fundamental frequency of voice, vocal level, vowel duration and voice onset time of stutterers and non-stutterers in the absence and in the presence of binaural masking noise in reading condition. In addition, the effect of noise on rate of speech and frequency of stuttering were also observed.
Adams M. R.., and Reis, R.,' The influence of the onset of phonation on the frequency of stuttering: J. Speech and Hearing Res,, 14, 639-644 (1971).
Adams M. R., and Hutchinson,' Effects of three levels of auditory masking on related vocal charac- tetistics and frequency of dis fluency of adult manner'. J. Speech and Hearing Res., 682-688 (1974).
Agnello J. G., and Wingate M. R., ' Some acoustic and physiological aspects of stuttering speech ' Paper presented at Annual Conference of ASHA, San Fransisco, cited by Schwart in case of stuttering block. J. Speech and Hearing Dis., 39, 1974.
Atkinson C. J., ' Vocal responses during controlled aural stimulation'. J. Speech Hearing Dis., 17, 419-426 (1952).
Basu Babul, Voice onset time for stutterer and non-stutterer. Mysore University Dissertation 1979.
Black J. W., ' Some effects upon voice of hearing tones of varying intensity and frequency while reading'. Sp. Monographs, 17, 95-98 (1950).
Cherry and Sayers, B. M., 'Experiment upon the total inhibition of stammering by external control and some clinical results'. J. Psycho Somatic Research., 1, 233-246 (1956).
Conture and Baryton, ' The influence, of noise on stutterers of different disfluency types'. J. Speech and Hearing Res., 18, 381-384 (1975).
Cross, D. E., and Luper, H., 'Voice reaction time of stuttering and non-stuttering children and adults' . J. Fluency Dis. (1979), 4 (1), 59-67.
Dewar, A. A. D., ' The effect of auditory feedback masking on concomitant movements of stammer- ing 'British J. of Disorders of Communication, 11, 19-26 (1976).
Gerber and Martin.,' Effects of noise increased vocal intensity on stuttering', 20, 317-330 (1977). Gerber, L., ' Sensory feedback on stuttering '. J. Speech and Hearing Disorder, 30, 378-80 (1965).
Ham, R., Steer, M. D., 'Certain effects of alterations in auditory feedback'. Folia Phomat, 19, 53-62 (1967).
Hartley, T. D., and Steer, M. D., ' Effect of level of distracting noise on stuttering rate, duration and intensity'. J. Speech Hearing Dis., 14, 363-368 (1949).
Hillman, R. E., and Gilbert, H. R., ' Voice onset time for voiceless stop consonants in the fluent reading of stuttering and non-stutterers'. J. Acoustic Soci. Amer., 61, 610-612 (1977).
Lisker, L., and Abramson, A. S., ' Distinctive feature and language control'. Language, 47, 767- 785 (1971).
Lisker, L., and Abramson, A. S., 'A Cross language study of voicing initial stops'. Acoustical Measurements Word, 20., 384-422.
Maraist J. A., Hulton, C, ' Effects of auditory masking upon the speech of stutterers '. J. Speech and Hearing Dis., 22, 385-389, 1957.
Montgomery, et al., 'Receptual and acoustical analysis of recipitation in stuttered speech'. J. of Commu. Dis., 9, 317-330, 1976.
Murray, F. P., 'An investigation of variably induced white noise upon movements of stuttering'. J. Comm. Dis., 2, 109-114, 1969.
Mysak, E. D., ' Selvo theory and stuttering '. J. Speech Hearing Dis., 25, 185-195 (1960).
Mysak, E. D., Speech Pathology and Feedback Theory. Springfield 111., Thomas, 1966.
Share, M. L. S., ' Effect on stuttering of alteration in auditory feedback'. W. Johnson (ed.) Stuttering in Children and Adults. Minneapolis University of Minnesota Prevs, 1955.
Starkwheather, C. W., et al., ' Latency of vocalization onset. Stutterer versus non-stutterer'. J. of Speech and Hearing Dis., 19, 481-492, 1976.
Stromsta, C, ' Methodology related to the determination of the phase angle of bone. Conducted speech sound energy of stutterer and non-stutterer'. Dissertation Abstracts, 16, 1956.
Stromsta, C, ' The effects of altering the fundamental frequency of auditory masking on speech performance of stutterer'. Technical report of Public Service., Grant No. B-1331. Ohio University, Ohio 1957.
Sulton S., and Chase R. A., ' White noise and stuttering . J Speech and Hearing Dis., 4, 72, 1961. Tomatis (1964) in, Van Riper C, Ed., The Nature of Stuttering. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice
Hall (1971).
Van Riper C, The Nature of Stuttering. Englewood Cliffs, N. J,, Prentice Hall, 1971.
Van Riper C, The Treatment of Stuttering. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice Hal', 1973.
Wolf A. A., and Wolf E. G., ' Feedback process in the theory of certain speech disorders'.
Speech Pathology and Therapy, 2, pp. 48-55.
Yairi, E.. 'Effects of binaural and monaural noise on stuttering'. J. of Aud. Res., 16, 114-119, 1976.
Adams M. R., and Hutchinson,' Effects of three levels of auditory masking on related vocal charac- tetistics and frequency of dis fluency of adult manner'. J. Speech and Hearing Res., 682-688 (1974).
Agnello J. G., and Wingate M. R., ' Some acoustic and physiological aspects of stuttering speech ' Paper presented at Annual Conference of ASHA, San Fransisco, cited by Schwart in case of stuttering block. J. Speech and Hearing Dis., 39, 1974.
Atkinson C. J., ' Vocal responses during controlled aural stimulation'. J. Speech Hearing Dis., 17, 419-426 (1952).
Basu Babul, Voice onset time for stutterer and non-stutterer. Mysore University Dissertation 1979.
Black J. W., ' Some effects upon voice of hearing tones of varying intensity and frequency while reading'. Sp. Monographs, 17, 95-98 (1950).
Cherry and Sayers, B. M., 'Experiment upon the total inhibition of stammering by external control and some clinical results'. J. Psycho Somatic Research., 1, 233-246 (1956).
Conture and Baryton, ' The influence, of noise on stutterers of different disfluency types'. J. Speech and Hearing Res., 18, 381-384 (1975).
Cross, D. E., and Luper, H., 'Voice reaction time of stuttering and non-stuttering children and adults' . J. Fluency Dis. (1979), 4 (1), 59-67.
Dewar, A. A. D., ' The effect of auditory feedback masking on concomitant movements of stammer- ing 'British J. of Disorders of Communication, 11, 19-26 (1976).
Gerber and Martin.,' Effects of noise increased vocal intensity on stuttering', 20, 317-330 (1977). Gerber, L., ' Sensory feedback on stuttering '. J. Speech and Hearing Disorder, 30, 378-80 (1965).
Ham, R., Steer, M. D., 'Certain effects of alterations in auditory feedback'. Folia Phomat, 19, 53-62 (1967).
Hartley, T. D., and Steer, M. D., ' Effect of level of distracting noise on stuttering rate, duration and intensity'. J. Speech Hearing Dis., 14, 363-368 (1949).
Hillman, R. E., and Gilbert, H. R., ' Voice onset time for voiceless stop consonants in the fluent reading of stuttering and non-stutterers'. J. Acoustic Soci. Amer., 61, 610-612 (1977).
Lisker, L., and Abramson, A. S., ' Distinctive feature and language control'. Language, 47, 767- 785 (1971).
Lisker, L., and Abramson, A. S., 'A Cross language study of voicing initial stops'. Acoustical Measurements Word, 20., 384-422.
Maraist J. A., Hulton, C, ' Effects of auditory masking upon the speech of stutterers '. J. Speech and Hearing Dis., 22, 385-389, 1957.
Montgomery, et al., 'Receptual and acoustical analysis of recipitation in stuttered speech'. J. of Commu. Dis., 9, 317-330, 1976.
Murray, F. P., 'An investigation of variably induced white noise upon movements of stuttering'. J. Comm. Dis., 2, 109-114, 1969.
Mysak, E. D., ' Selvo theory and stuttering '. J. Speech Hearing Dis., 25, 185-195 (1960).
Mysak, E. D., Speech Pathology and Feedback Theory. Springfield 111., Thomas, 1966.
Share, M. L. S., ' Effect on stuttering of alteration in auditory feedback'. W. Johnson (ed.) Stuttering in Children and Adults. Minneapolis University of Minnesota Prevs, 1955.
Starkwheather, C. W., et al., ' Latency of vocalization onset. Stutterer versus non-stutterer'. J. of Speech and Hearing Dis., 19, 481-492, 1976.
Stromsta, C, ' Methodology related to the determination of the phase angle of bone. Conducted speech sound energy of stutterer and non-stutterer'. Dissertation Abstracts, 16, 1956.
Stromsta, C, ' The effects of altering the fundamental frequency of auditory masking on speech performance of stutterer'. Technical report of Public Service., Grant No. B-1331. Ohio University, Ohio 1957.
Sulton S., and Chase R. A., ' White noise and stuttering . J Speech and Hearing Dis., 4, 72, 1961. Tomatis (1964) in, Van Riper C, Ed., The Nature of Stuttering. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice
Hall (1971).
Van Riper C, The Nature of Stuttering. Englewood Cliffs, N. J,, Prentice Hall, 1971.
Van Riper C, The Treatment of Stuttering. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice Hal', 1973.
Wolf A. A., and Wolf E. G., ' Feedback process in the theory of certain speech disorders'.
Speech Pathology and Therapy, 2, pp. 48-55.
Yairi, E.. 'Effects of binaural and monaural noise on stuttering'. J. of Aud. Res., 16, 114-119, 1976.