How to Cite
Nandyal, I. (1). Analysis of Infants Cries. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 13(1), 127-139. Retrieved from
'During infancy, the child's only mode of communication is the cry and we should listen to his vocalization and try to interpret it. When a ttaby is ill, the parents, too, are most eager and anxious to have some explanation of his prognosis and possible life-long defects. Any method which could provide further enlightenment should be thoroughly explored' (Siruio and Michelsson, 1976).
Ashok, M. M., 'A high risk register for hearing loss in children-A feasibility study on an Indian population'-A Master's dissertation, Univ. of Mysore, 1981.
Beckis, S., 'Initial concern and action in the detection and diagnosis of a hearing impairment in the child'. Volta Review, Vol. 78, 1976, 105-115. As cited in Ashok (1981).
Bess, F. H., et ah, ,'Paediatricians view of Neonatal Auditory Screening', in Mencher, G. T., (Ed.) 1976. As cited in Ashok (1981).
Down's M. P., 'Return to the basics of infant screening', in Gerber, S. E., and Mencher, G. T., (Eds), (1978).
Fisichelli, V. R., Karelitz, S., ' The cry latencies of normal infants and those with brain-damage'-The Journal of Paediatrics, Vol. 62, No. 5., May 1963, page. 724-734.
Fisichelli, V. R., Coxe, M., Rosenfield, L. Haber Audrey, Davis Joan, and Karelitz, S., 'The phone- tic content of the cries of normal infants and those with brain-damage '. The Jour, of Psychology, 64, 1966, 119-126.
Fisichelli, V. R., Karelitz, S., 'The effect of stimulus intensity on induced crying activity in the neonate'. Psychol. Science, Vol. 16, No. 6, 1969, page 327-328.
Gerber, S. E., and Mencher, G. T. , (Eds) Early Diagnosis of hearing loss, Greenne and Stratton Inc., III, 5th Avenue, N. Y., 10003, 1978.
Juntunen, S., Sirvis, P., and Michelson, K., ' Cry analysis in infants with severe malnutrition.' European Journal of Paediatrics, Vol. 128, 1978, page. 241-246.
Karelitz, S. Fisichelli, V. R., Davis, J., Haber, A., 'The role of crying activity in Apgar scoring'. Journal of American Medical Association, Vol. 198, 1966, page 318-320.
Lenneberg, B. H., Biological foundations of language., New York Wiley, 1967.
Lester, B. M., and Zeskind, P., ' Brazelton scale and physical-sfee correlates of neonatal cry features '. Infant behaviour and development, 1, 1978, 393-402. Cited in Michelson and Warz- Hockert (1981).
Michelson, K., ' Cry analysis of symptom-less low birth weight neonates and of asphyxiated new- born infants'. Acta. pediatr. Scand, Supplement, 216, 1971. Cited in Michelson (1981) and Michelson and Warz-Hockert (1981).
Michelson, K., ' Cry characteristics in sound spectrographic cry analysis ' (1981). Obtained per- sonal communication from Michelson, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Children's Hospital second Department of Paediatrics, Stenback Street 11, SF-00290 Helsinki, 20, Finland.
Michelson, K., Raes, J., Thoden, C. J., and Warz-Hockert, O., ' Sound spectrographic cry analysis in neonatal diagnostics. An evaluative study'. Jour, of Phonetics, 10, No. 1, 1982, 79-88.
Murry, T. , Amundson, P., and Hollion, H., 'Acoustical characteristics of infant cries: fundamental frequency'. Jour, of Child Language,4, 1977, 321-323.
Ostwald, P. F., and Peltzman, P., ' The cry of the human infant'. Scientific American, Vol. 230, No. 3; March 1974, page 84-90.
Parmlee, H. A., Jr., ' Infant crying and neurologic diagnosis. The Journal of Paediatrics'. Vol. 61. July 1962, page 801-802.
Partanen, T. J., Warz-Hockert, O., Vuorenkeski, V., Theorell, K., Valanne, E. H, and Lind, J., 'Auditory identification of pa incry signals of young infants in pathological conditions and its sound spectrographic basis'. Ann. Paediatr. Fenn., 13, 1967, 56-631. Cited in Michelson and Warz-Hockert, 1981.
Pettay, O., Downer, M., Michelson, K., and Siruio, P., ' New aspects on the diagnosis of herpes, simplex virus (HSV) ', XV International Congress of Pediatrics, New Delhi 1977.
Rebelsky, F., Black, R., ' Crying in infancy', Journal of Genet. Psychology, Vol. 121, 1972, 49-57, Michelson and Warz-Hockert 1981.
Stark, R. E., Rose, S. N., and Benson, P. J., ' Classification of infant vocalization'. British Journal of Communication Disorders, Vol. 13, No. 1, 1978, page 41-47.
Siruio, P., and Michelson, K., ' Sound spectrographic cry analysis of normal and abnormal new- born infants—A review and a recommendation for standardization of the cry characteristics'. Folia phoniatrica, Vol. 28, 1976, page 161-173.
Warz Hockert, O., Koivisto, M., Vuorenkeski, V., Partanen, T. J., ' Spectrographic analysis of pain cry in hyparbilirubinemia'. Biol. Neonat., Vol. 17, 1971, page 260-270; as cited in Michelson and Warz-Hockert, 1981.
Warz-Hockert, O., Vuorenkeski, V., Michelson., Tonspekto and Phische unter siichgen des Saugling- schreis Experimenta., Vol. 13, 1962, page 583. As cited in Michelson and Warz-Hockert, 1981.
Beckis, S., 'Initial concern and action in the detection and diagnosis of a hearing impairment in the child'. Volta Review, Vol. 78, 1976, 105-115. As cited in Ashok (1981).
Bess, F. H., et ah, ,'Paediatricians view of Neonatal Auditory Screening', in Mencher, G. T., (Ed.) 1976. As cited in Ashok (1981).
Down's M. P., 'Return to the basics of infant screening', in Gerber, S. E., and Mencher, G. T., (Eds), (1978).
Fisichelli, V. R., Karelitz, S., ' The cry latencies of normal infants and those with brain-damage'-The Journal of Paediatrics, Vol. 62, No. 5., May 1963, page. 724-734.
Fisichelli, V. R., Coxe, M., Rosenfield, L. Haber Audrey, Davis Joan, and Karelitz, S., 'The phone- tic content of the cries of normal infants and those with brain-damage '. The Jour, of Psychology, 64, 1966, 119-126.
Fisichelli, V. R., Karelitz, S., 'The effect of stimulus intensity on induced crying activity in the neonate'. Psychol. Science, Vol. 16, No. 6, 1969, page 327-328.
Gerber, S. E., and Mencher, G. T. , (Eds) Early Diagnosis of hearing loss, Greenne and Stratton Inc., III, 5th Avenue, N. Y., 10003, 1978.
Juntunen, S., Sirvis, P., and Michelson, K., ' Cry analysis in infants with severe malnutrition.' European Journal of Paediatrics, Vol. 128, 1978, page. 241-246.
Karelitz, S. Fisichelli, V. R., Davis, J., Haber, A., 'The role of crying activity in Apgar scoring'. Journal of American Medical Association, Vol. 198, 1966, page 318-320.
Lenneberg, B. H., Biological foundations of language., New York Wiley, 1967.
Lester, B. M., and Zeskind, P., ' Brazelton scale and physical-sfee correlates of neonatal cry features '. Infant behaviour and development, 1, 1978, 393-402. Cited in Michelson and Warz- Hockert (1981).
Michelson, K., ' Cry analysis of symptom-less low birth weight neonates and of asphyxiated new- born infants'. Acta. pediatr. Scand, Supplement, 216, 1971. Cited in Michelson (1981) and Michelson and Warz-Hockert (1981).
Michelson, K., ' Cry characteristics in sound spectrographic cry analysis ' (1981). Obtained per- sonal communication from Michelson, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Children's Hospital second Department of Paediatrics, Stenback Street 11, SF-00290 Helsinki, 20, Finland.
Michelson, K., Raes, J., Thoden, C. J., and Warz-Hockert, O., ' Sound spectrographic cry analysis in neonatal diagnostics. An evaluative study'. Jour, of Phonetics, 10, No. 1, 1982, 79-88.
Murry, T. , Amundson, P., and Hollion, H., 'Acoustical characteristics of infant cries: fundamental frequency'. Jour, of Child Language,4, 1977, 321-323.
Ostwald, P. F., and Peltzman, P., ' The cry of the human infant'. Scientific American, Vol. 230, No. 3; March 1974, page 84-90.
Parmlee, H. A., Jr., ' Infant crying and neurologic diagnosis. The Journal of Paediatrics'. Vol. 61. July 1962, page 801-802.
Partanen, T. J., Warz-Hockert, O., Vuorenkeski, V., Theorell, K., Valanne, E. H, and Lind, J., 'Auditory identification of pa incry signals of young infants in pathological conditions and its sound spectrographic basis'. Ann. Paediatr. Fenn., 13, 1967, 56-631. Cited in Michelson and Warz-Hockert, 1981.
Pettay, O., Downer, M., Michelson, K., and Siruio, P., ' New aspects on the diagnosis of herpes, simplex virus (HSV) ', XV International Congress of Pediatrics, New Delhi 1977.
Rebelsky, F., Black, R., ' Crying in infancy', Journal of Genet. Psychology, Vol. 121, 1972, 49-57, Michelson and Warz-Hockert 1981.
Stark, R. E., Rose, S. N., and Benson, P. J., ' Classification of infant vocalization'. British Journal of Communication Disorders, Vol. 13, No. 1, 1978, page 41-47.
Siruio, P., and Michelson, K., ' Sound spectrographic cry analysis of normal and abnormal new- born infants—A review and a recommendation for standardization of the cry characteristics'. Folia phoniatrica, Vol. 28, 1976, page 161-173.
Warz Hockert, O., Koivisto, M., Vuorenkeski, V., Partanen, T. J., ' Spectrographic analysis of pain cry in hyparbilirubinemia'. Biol. Neonat., Vol. 17, 1971, page 260-270; as cited in Michelson and Warz-Hockert, 1981.
Warz-Hockert, O., Vuorenkeski, V., Michelson., Tonspekto and Phische unter siichgen des Saugling- schreis Experimenta., Vol. 13, 1962, page 583. As cited in Michelson and Warz-Hockert, 1981.