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A comparison of reflex amplitude and decay time of contralateral and ipsilateral stimulation | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 10 No 1 (1979)

A comparison of reflex amplitude and decay time of contralateral and ipsilateral stimulation

How to Cite
S, R. S. S. (1). A comparison of reflex amplitude and decay time of contralateral and ipsilateral stimulation. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 10(1), 127. Retrieved from


Impedance audiometry finds its application in every phase of clinical audiology. It  includes tympanometry, static compliance and stapedial reflex test. Of the three measures of impedance audiometry, the stapedial reflex thresholds are probably most useful individually (Jerger, 1970). The stapedial reflex threshold is defined as the lowest intensity at which a 
visible or recordable deflection' of the impedance balance needle occurs consistently with stimulus presentation.


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