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Problems with language-articulation assessment and ieps for the multiply handicapped | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 19 No 1 (1988)

Problems with language-articulation assessment and ieps for the multiply handicapped

How to Cite
Stewart, M. M. & J. M. (1). Problems with language-articulation assessment and ieps for the multiply handicapped. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 19(1), 1-19. Retrieved from


The study was designed to determine the types of language and articulation assessment tests used to evaluate the communicative competencies of the multiply
handicapped and to determine their usefulness in the process of development viable IEPs. Standardized, commercial tests, required by Public Law 94-142, are
inadequate for this purpose. In turn, this adversely affects the development of the IEPs for this population and their procedural process. The solution is
clinician-devised tests. However, Public Law 94-142 appears to preclude their use. A questionnaire was developed by the investigators to ascertain specific
data and related information. Ten speech-language pathologists who educate multiply handicapped children within the age range of 4 through 8 years served
as respondents. Results indicated the utilization of a diversity of commercial tests and a general lack of satisfaction with them. Related data supported
these findings. Implications are discussed.


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