Vol 10 No 1 (1979)
The development and standardization of a group screening audiometer and procedure for Indian condition
June 27, 1979
How to Cite
MG, K. S. (1979). The development and standardization of a group screening audiometer and procedure for Indian condition. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 10(1), 97. Retrieved from

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Auditory screening is an attempt to identify persons who have significant hearing defects from a population made up predominently of people with normal or adequate hearing. The
technique of screening is as it is purpose the identification as quickly as economically as possible and individuals in a large population who are in need of some special service
AbroI. B. M. et al. : Rural survey for speech and hearing defects at village Bijwesan. The Silent
World, 6,1971,11-20.
American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) - Committee on audio-metric evaluation
guideline audiometry, ASHA, 7. 94-95. 1975.
Bennett, S.M.A. : Group test of hearing for 6 year old children. B. J. of Educational Psychology,
21. 1951,45-52.
Cox. J. B. et al. : A mobile laboratory for group hearing tests, Noise Control" 3, 1957t 44-48.
Downs, lVI.P. and M.E. Doster. : A hearing testing prograolme for pre-school children (as quoted
by Shepherd, 1971).
Hegdecock, L. D. et a1. : A clinical evaluation of group audiometry conducted with patien t
controlled audiometers, JSHD, 38, 1973, 316-322.
Kapur, Y.P (ed); A study of hearing loss in ~chooJ going children in India, J.S H.D. 30,
1965. 225-233.
Melni€k, W. et al : Evaluation of recolnmended programme of kindergarten children using
the VASCo J S.H.D. 35-241-247.1970.
Meyerson, L. : Hearing for Speech in children: A Verbal Audiometric test. Acta. Otolar.
Suppl. 126, 1956
Nelson,: S.F. Group testing of school children by puretone audiometry~ J.S.H.D. ]7, 1952.4-7.
Reger. S. M. and H.A. Ne\vby: A group puretone hearing test. J.S.H.D. 12. 1947,61-66.
Roberts. J. : Hearing sensitivity and related medical fiindings among children in United States.
(As quoled by Anderson, 1978).
Satyendra Kumar; The development of a broadcast, Mass screening test of hearing. A dissertation
submitted to the University of Mysore - for lv1aster's degree, 1974.
Shah, V. et all : Hearing survey of school going children in Bombay city, l"he Silent World, 6,1971
World, 6,1971,11-20.
American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) - Committee on audio-metric evaluation
guideline audiometry, ASHA, 7. 94-95. 1975.
Bennett, S.M.A. : Group test of hearing for 6 year old children. B. J. of Educational Psychology,
21. 1951,45-52.
Cox. J. B. et al. : A mobile laboratory for group hearing tests, Noise Control" 3, 1957t 44-48.
Downs, lVI.P. and M.E. Doster. : A hearing testing prograolme for pre-school children (as quoted
by Shepherd, 1971).
Hegdecock, L. D. et a1. : A clinical evaluation of group audiometry conducted with patien t
controlled audiometers, JSHD, 38, 1973, 316-322.
Kapur, Y.P (ed); A study of hearing loss in ~chooJ going children in India, J.S H.D. 30,
1965. 225-233.
Melni€k, W. et al : Evaluation of recolnmended programme of kindergarten children using
the VASCo J S.H.D. 35-241-247.1970.
Meyerson, L. : Hearing for Speech in children: A Verbal Audiometric test. Acta. Otolar.
Suppl. 126, 1956
Nelson,: S.F. Group testing of school children by puretone audiometry~ J.S.H.D. ]7, 1952.4-7.
Reger. S. M. and H.A. Ne\vby: A group puretone hearing test. J.S.H.D. 12. 1947,61-66.
Roberts. J. : Hearing sensitivity and related medical fiindings among children in United States.
(As quoled by Anderson, 1978).
Satyendra Kumar; The development of a broadcast, Mass screening test of hearing. A dissertation
submitted to the University of Mysore - for lv1aster's degree, 1974.
Shah, V. et all : Hearing survey of school going children in Bombay city, l"he Silent World, 6,1971