Vol 10 No 1 (1979)
How to Cite
Malika Nandur. (1). Clinical bone-conduction standard values for the Bruel and Kjaer 4930 artificial mastoid. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 10(1), 75. Retrieved from
Calibration of any measuring instrument is a major prerequisite for its use and Audiolog as a scientific discipline respects precision in clinical and research measurements. Accurate
audiometric calibration is crucial in clinical audiology in that the results of audiological evaluations are critical for diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of hearing problems
American Medical Association ( 1951 ) Minimum Requirement for Acceptable pure-tone Audiometer
for Diagnostic Purposes, Council on Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
J. Amer. Med. Assn. 146, 225-257 ( cit. after Roach and Carhart, 1956).
Anlerican· National Standard ( 1969 ) Specification for Audiometers S3.6-1969. Inventry, I. M.,
et al. (eds.) Hearing Measurements. Appleton-Century-crofts : New York, 1971,
American National Standard (1972) for an Artificial Headbone for the Calibration ofAudio..
meter Bone Vibrators 83 13-1972. American National Standards Inst. : New York
( cit. after Dirks, 1974)
American Standards Association (1951) Specifications~for Audiometers for General Diagnostic
Purposes Z24.5-1951. American Standards Assn.: New York (cit. after ANSI,
1969 ).
American Srandards Association ( 1960 ) Criteria for Background Noise in Audiometer Rooms
S3. 1-1960. American Stand~rds Assn.: New York (cit. after Hirschorn, 1971 ).
Beranek I.J. L. 1949 ( Acoustic Measurements. John Wiley and Sons: New York. p. 367-374;
British Standard, BS4009 ( 1966) An Artificial 1vlastoid for the Calibration of Bone Vibrators.
British Standards Inst: London (cit. after Dirks, 1973).
Bruel and Kjaer ( 1974) Instruction !vIanual for Artificial Mastoid Type 4930. Bruel and
Kjaer: Denmark.
Carhart, R.B. ( 1950) Clinical Application of Bone Conductino. Arch. Otolaryng. 51, 798..
807 (cit. afte~ Roach and Carhart. 1956)
Dirks, D. D. Malmquist, C. M. and Bower, D. ( 1968) Toward the Specification of Normal
Bone-Conduction Threshold. J. Acoust. Sec. Amer. 43, 1237-1242.
Dirks D. D. and Kamm (1975) Bone-Vibrator Measurements: Physical Characteristics and
Behavioral Thresholds. J. S~eech Hearing Res. 18, 242-260.
Ewertsen H. W. Filling, S., Terklidsen, K., and Thomsen. K. A. (1958) Comparative Recru·
itment Testing. Acta Otolaryng. Supp!. 140. 1]6-122 (cit after Lamb et al., 1968).
Hedgecock, L. D. (1961) Clinical Calibration of Bone-Conduction Measurements. Arch
Otolaryng. 73, 181-195 (cit. after Sanders and Olsen, 1964).
Hirschorn, M. (1971) Acoustical Environment for Industrial Audiometric Programs. In
Ventry, I. M., et al (eds.) Hearing Measurments. Appleton-Century-Crofts: New
York, p. 73-81.
International ElectrotechnicaI Commission Recommendation ( 1965) Pure-Tone Audiometers for
General Diagnostic Purposes. International Electrotehnical Commn. L. Geneva.
International Electrotechnical Commission ( 1971) Mechanical Coupler for the Calibration of
Bone Vtbrators having a Specified Contact Area and Being Applied with a Specified
Static Force. International Electrotechnical Comm. (cit. after Dahm, 1973).
International:Organisation for Standardization (1964) Standard Reference zero for Calibration
of Pure-Tone Audiometeres, R/389. International Organisation for Standardization
In.ternational Organisation for Standardization, (1967) Supplement to ISO R389: Standard
Reference Zero for the Calibration of Pure-Tone Audiometers. Additional Data in
Conjunction with the 9-A Coupler. ISO/TC43, Acoustics: London.·
International Organisation for Standardization. Audiometric Bone-Conduction Standards.
Report ot Working Group I of ISO/TC/43.
Jepsen, O. (1963) Middle~Ear Muscle Reflexes in Man. In Jerger, J. F. (ed) Modern Developments
in Audiology. 1st edt Academic Press; New York, p. 194-236.
Kristensen, H. K, and Jepsen, O. (1952) Recruitment in Otoneurological Diagn@stics. Acta·
Otolaryng. 42, 553-562 (cit. after Lamb et aI., 1968).
Lanlb, L. E., Peterson. J.L., and Hansen, S. (1968) Application- O£l_ Stapedius Muscle Reflex~
Measures to Diagnosis of Auditory problems. International Audiology, 7, 188-199.
Lybarger, S. R. (1966a) Special Report - Interim Bone-conduction Thresholds for Audiometry.
J. Speech Hearing Res. 9, 483-487.
Lybarger, S. R. (1971) Bone Vibrator 'Calibration Standards. ASHA. Nov. (cit. afte,
Wilber, 1972 ).
Metz,' o. (1952) Threshold of Reflex Contraction of Muscles of-the Middle Ear and Recruitment
of Lou
Olsen, W. O. (1969) Comparison of Studies on Bone-Conduction Thresholds and th~ HAle
Interim Standard For Bone-Conduction Audiometry. J. Sp~ech Hearing Dis. 34"
Roach, R. E., and Carhart, R. ,E. (1956) A Clinical Method for Calibrating the Bone-Conduction
Audiometer. Arca. Ototaryng. 63, 270-279.
Robinson, D. W., and Whittle, L. S. (1967) Second Rep-ort on Standardization of the Bone.
Conduction Thresholds. NPL Aer,o Report AC 30: England (cit. after Dirks, 1973).
Sanders, J. W., and Olsen, W~ O. (1964) An Evolution of a New Artificial Mastoid as an Instrument
for the Calibration of Audiometer Bone-Conduction Systems. J. Speech Hearin.
Dis. 29, 247-263.
Studebaker, G. A. (1967a) The Standardization of Bone-Conduction Thresholds. Laryngoscope.
77, 823-835.
Studebaker, G. A. (1967b) Interest Variability and the Air-Bone Gap. J. Speech Hearing Dis.
32, 82-86
Thomsen, K. A. (1955) Employment of Impedance Measurement in Otologic and Otoneurologic
diagnostics. Acta Otolaryng. 45, 159-167 (cit. after Lamb et aI., 1968.)
Weiss, E. (1960) An Air-Damped Artificial Mastoid. J. Acoust. Soc. Arner. 32, 1582-1588
(cit. after Studebaker, 1967a).
Westen, P. B., Genge], R. W., and Hirsh, I. J. (1967) Effects of Vibrator, Types and Their Placement
on Bone-Conduction Threshold Measurements. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 41, 788-792.
Whittle, L. S. (1965) A Determin~tion of the Normal Threshold of Hearing by Bone-Conduction.
J. Sound Vibration. W, 227-248.'
Wilber, L. A., and Goodhill, V. (1967b) Real Ear Versus Artificial Mastoid Methods of
Calibration of Bone-<:onduction Vibrators. J. Speech Hearing Res. 10, 405-417
for Diagnostic Purposes, Council on Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
J. Amer. Med. Assn. 146, 225-257 ( cit. after Roach and Carhart, 1956).
Anlerican· National Standard ( 1969 ) Specification for Audiometers S3.6-1969. Inventry, I. M.,
et al. (eds.) Hearing Measurements. Appleton-Century-crofts : New York, 1971,
American National Standard (1972) for an Artificial Headbone for the Calibration ofAudio..
meter Bone Vibrators 83 13-1972. American National Standards Inst. : New York
( cit. after Dirks, 1974)
American Standards Association (1951) Specifications~for Audiometers for General Diagnostic
Purposes Z24.5-1951. American Standards Assn.: New York (cit. after ANSI,
1969 ).
American Srandards Association ( 1960 ) Criteria for Background Noise in Audiometer Rooms
S3. 1-1960. American Stand~rds Assn.: New York (cit. after Hirschorn, 1971 ).
Beranek I.J. L. 1949 ( Acoustic Measurements. John Wiley and Sons: New York. p. 367-374;
British Standard, BS4009 ( 1966) An Artificial 1vlastoid for the Calibration of Bone Vibrators.
British Standards Inst: London (cit. after Dirks, 1973).
Bruel and Kjaer ( 1974) Instruction !vIanual for Artificial Mastoid Type 4930. Bruel and
Kjaer: Denmark.
Carhart, R.B. ( 1950) Clinical Application of Bone Conductino. Arch. Otolaryng. 51, 798..
807 (cit. afte~ Roach and Carhart. 1956)
Dirks, D. D. Malmquist, C. M. and Bower, D. ( 1968) Toward the Specification of Normal
Bone-Conduction Threshold. J. Acoust. Sec. Amer. 43, 1237-1242.
Dirks D. D. and Kamm (1975) Bone-Vibrator Measurements: Physical Characteristics and
Behavioral Thresholds. J. S~eech Hearing Res. 18, 242-260.
Ewertsen H. W. Filling, S., Terklidsen, K., and Thomsen. K. A. (1958) Comparative Recru·
itment Testing. Acta Otolaryng. Supp!. 140. 1]6-122 (cit after Lamb et al., 1968).
Hedgecock, L. D. (1961) Clinical Calibration of Bone-Conduction Measurements. Arch
Otolaryng. 73, 181-195 (cit. after Sanders and Olsen, 1964).
Hirschorn, M. (1971) Acoustical Environment for Industrial Audiometric Programs. In
Ventry, I. M., et al (eds.) Hearing Measurments. Appleton-Century-Crofts: New
York, p. 73-81.
International ElectrotechnicaI Commission Recommendation ( 1965) Pure-Tone Audiometers for
General Diagnostic Purposes. International Electrotehnical Commn. L. Geneva.
International Electrotechnical Commission ( 1971) Mechanical Coupler for the Calibration of
Bone Vtbrators having a Specified Contact Area and Being Applied with a Specified
Static Force. International Electrotechnical Comm. (cit. after Dahm, 1973).
International:Organisation for Standardization (1964) Standard Reference zero for Calibration
of Pure-Tone Audiometeres, R/389. International Organisation for Standardization
In.ternational Organisation for Standardization, (1967) Supplement to ISO R389: Standard
Reference Zero for the Calibration of Pure-Tone Audiometers. Additional Data in
Conjunction with the 9-A Coupler. ISO/TC43, Acoustics: London.·
International Organisation for Standardization. Audiometric Bone-Conduction Standards.
Report ot Working Group I of ISO/TC/43.
Jepsen, O. (1963) Middle~Ear Muscle Reflexes in Man. In Jerger, J. F. (ed) Modern Developments
in Audiology. 1st edt Academic Press; New York, p. 194-236.
Kristensen, H. K, and Jepsen, O. (1952) Recruitment in Otoneurological Diagn@stics. Acta·
Otolaryng. 42, 553-562 (cit. after Lamb et aI., 1968).
Lanlb, L. E., Peterson. J.L., and Hansen, S. (1968) Application- O£l_ Stapedius Muscle Reflex~
Measures to Diagnosis of Auditory problems. International Audiology, 7, 188-199.
Lybarger, S. R. (1966a) Special Report - Interim Bone-conduction Thresholds for Audiometry.
J. Speech Hearing Res. 9, 483-487.
Lybarger, S. R. (1971) Bone Vibrator 'Calibration Standards. ASHA. Nov. (cit. afte,
Wilber, 1972 ).
Metz,' o. (1952) Threshold of Reflex Contraction of Muscles of-the Middle Ear and Recruitment
of Lou
Interim Standard For Bone-Conduction Audiometry. J. Sp~ech Hearing Dis. 34"
Roach, R. E., and Carhart, R. ,E. (1956) A Clinical Method for Calibrating the Bone-Conduction
Audiometer. Arca. Ototaryng. 63, 270-279.
Robinson, D. W., and Whittle, L. S. (1967) Second Rep-ort on Standardization of the Bone.
Conduction Thresholds. NPL Aer,o Report AC 30: England (cit. after Dirks, 1973).
Sanders, J. W., and Olsen, W~ O. (1964) An Evolution of a New Artificial Mastoid as an Instrument
for the Calibration of Audiometer Bone-Conduction Systems. J. Speech Hearin.
Dis. 29, 247-263.
Studebaker, G. A. (1967a) The Standardization of Bone-Conduction Thresholds. Laryngoscope.
77, 823-835.
Studebaker, G. A. (1967b) Interest Variability and the Air-Bone Gap. J. Speech Hearing Dis.
32, 82-86
Thomsen, K. A. (1955) Employment of Impedance Measurement in Otologic and Otoneurologic
diagnostics. Acta Otolaryng. 45, 159-167 (cit. after Lamb et aI., 1968.)
Weiss, E. (1960) An Air-Damped Artificial Mastoid. J. Acoust. Soc. Arner. 32, 1582-1588
(cit. after Studebaker, 1967a).
Westen, P. B., Genge], R. W., and Hirsh, I. J. (1967) Effects of Vibrator, Types and Their Placement
on Bone-Conduction Threshold Measurements. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 41, 788-792.
Whittle, L. S. (1965) A Determin~tion of the Normal Threshold of Hearing by Bone-Conduction.
J. Sound Vibration. W, 227-248.'
Wilber, L. A., and Goodhill, V. (1967b) Real Ear Versus Artificial Mastoid Methods of
Calibration of Bone-<:onduction Vibrators. J. Speech Hearing Res. 10, 405-417