Vol 10 No 1 (1979)
How to Cite
Raju Ananth. (1). The development and standardization of a test of hearing for telephone operators. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 10(1), 61. Retrieved from
The Government of India had indicated to the All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, to develop standardised tests for fixing the levels of hearing which is essential for a telephone
operator to perform his duty efficiently. The problems become more acute when a telephone operator, who is already appointed develops a hearing problem. Even during recruitment, no
standardised hearing test has been specified by the Government to judge the hearing efficiency of the applicants in terms of telephone speech in trunk exchange environments.
Swarnalatha K. 1972 "The development and standardization of speech test material in English
for Indians" M.Sc., Dissertation, Mysore University.
for Indians" M.Sc., Dissertation, Mysore University.