The purpose oi the present study was to develop a hearing screening test, a single administration of which, would screen a large Dumber of people even without the need for their coming to a speech and hearing center. It was intended that the test be of such a nature that it may be broadcast over the radio and all the persons listening to the radio may be screened out for any hearing impairments. This test would provide for an efficient tool for hearing screening which would not require any special equipment or testing environment and would
test a large number of people in one administration of it. It would even be possible to test difficult-to-reach individuals by means of this test. Moreover, no trained personnel would be
required for the administration of the screening test.
E. F. Gardner
The efficiency of the Massachusetts pure tone screening test as adapted
for a University Testing progra;m. J. Speech Hearing disord., 18, 1953
Newby, H. A.
Krishnamurthy A personal interview with Mr. Krishnamurthy in March, 1974 in his
office at AIR, Mysore.
Evaluating the efficiency of group screening test of Hearing. J. Speech
Hearing Disord. 13, 1948, 236-240.
Venkata Raman, E. R. A letter in .my possession from Mr. Venkata Raman of the AIR,
Bhadravathi, dated Bhadravathi, Novelnber 5, 1973.