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Development and standardization of a common speech discrimination test for Indians | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 10 No 1 (1979)

Development and standardization of a common speech discrimination test for Indians

How to Cite
Maya Devi. (1). Development and standardization of a common speech discrimination test for Indians. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 10(1), 37. Retrieved from


Speech audiometry has been an important tool in the diagnostic test battery, as it provides a measure of the listener's response to speech. Discrimination testing clinically aids in the
differential diagnosis of conductive, cochlear and retrocochlear pathologies.


1. Abrol, B.M. (1971) "Establishment of a pilot rehabilitation unit in Audiology
and Speech Pathology in India" Final report New Delhi. AIIMS
2.. Carhart, R. (1967) "Factors ·affecting discrimination for monosyllable words in
background noise"-paper presented in the Chicago Convention of the speech and
Hearing Association.
3. Davis H. and Silverman (1970) Hearing and Deafness, Holt-Rinehart and Winston
Co., USA.
4. De, N.S. (1973) "Hindi PB list for speech audiometry and discrimination test".
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology. 25. pp. 64-75.
5. Egan, P James (1948) Articulation testing lvIethods, LarYngoscope, 58. pp. 955-911·
6. Garret (1971) Statistics in Psychology and Education. Vakils. Ferrer & Simmons
Private Ltd., Bombay.
7. Hirsh, et al (1952) "De elopment of materials for speech audiometry/' Jp Speech
and Hearing Dis., 17, pp. 321-337.
. Jerger, J. (1968) ~, A new approach to speech audiometry" J. Speech and Hearing
Res. 11, pp. 318-328.
9. Jerger, J. and Susan, t J. (1971)~ Diagnostic significance of PB word functions
Archives of Otolaryngology 93, pp. 573-579.
10. Kapur Y.P. (1911) "'The development of Hearing and Speech Test Materials based
on Indian languages"" A report.
11. Nagaraja, M" N (1973) "'Development of a synthetic .speech identification test in '
Kannada language". Dissertation s1!bmitted to Mysore University.
12. Siegel, S,. (1956) Non-parametric statistics, McGraw Hill Book Company inc. New
York, London", '
13. Swarnalatha (1972) '~The development and standardization of speech test material
in English for Indians'·'-Dis.serlation submitted to Mys'ore University..
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A Road, while there is no Brahamana on it, belongs
to the blind, deaf. w,omen, carriers of burden and the
king respectively ,but ~vhen there is a Brahamana it
helo,ngs .to Him.
Mahabharatha, Vanaparva
Chapters 135-