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Effect of articulation on auditory fatigue | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 9 No 1 (1978)

Effect of articulation on auditory fatigue

How to Cite
Sreemathi. (1). Effect of articulation on auditory fatigue. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 9(1), 64. Retrieved from


Many- studies -have been reported 'regarding the in,auence, of the acoustic reflex on TTS. The' relatio'n -between TTS and acoustic reflex eXists because. when reflex' occurs there will be an attenuation wof low f~equency, sounds reaching' the cochlea. TT.S is related to the intensity of the signal reaching the cochlea.' The reduction in the intensity of the signal brought about by reflex action can be expected to result in less TTS.

