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Effect of Operant Conditioning in an Athetoid for Improving Dexterity | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 12 No 1 (1981)

Effect of Operant Conditioning in an Athetoid for Improving Dexterity

How to Cite
Hosakote, V. (1). Effect of Operant Conditioning in an Athetoid for Improving Dexterity. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 12(1), 90-94. Retrieved from


Operant conditioning procedures have been applied to improve verbal ex- pression of non-verbal children, aphasics,  (Kerr,  et al 1965,  Dembros 1966), elective  mutism  cases,  stutterers  and  schizophrenics to  improve  work  skills (Girerdean and  Spradlin,  1964,  Bensberg,  1965,  etc.)


EySenck : Handbook of Abnormal Psychology. Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Ltd , London.

Levis, D.J. (1970) : Learning Approach to Therapeutic Behaviour Changes. Aldine Publishing Co., Chicago.

O Leary and WilSon : Behaviour Therapy, Applications and Outcome.

Ulman and Krasner(1969) : A Psychological Approach to Abnormal Behaviow Englewood Cliff N. J. Prentice HaJl.

Garrettj E.H. (1966) : Statistics in Psychology and Education. Vakils, Effer, Simons Pvt. Ltd. Palmer, etal: Communication Training in Childhood Brain Damage.