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A Comparative study of vocal parameters of trained and untrained singers | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 5 & 6 No 1 (1974 & 1975)

A Comparative study of vocal parameters of trained and untrained singers

How to Cite
Sheela Kumar. (1). A Comparative study of vocal parameters of trained and untrained singers. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 5 & 6(1), 17-27. Retrieved from


Voice is the product of the most finely coordinated delicately balanced and harmonious movements of which the body is capable. Although it may be conceded that voice production is of secondary importance both developmentally and functionally, compared with the protective role of the larynx, it is nevertheless true that it has acquired unique possession in man as a main motor organ of communication through speech (Greene 1964).


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