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Speech and hearing science as related to clinical audiology and speech and language pathology | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 4 No 1 (1973)

Speech and hearing science as related to clinical audiology and speech and language pathology

How to Cite
Oyer, H. F., & Beasley, D. S. (1). Speech and hearing science as related to clinical audiology and speech and language pathology. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 4(1), 67-73. Retrieved from


It is the intent of the authors to comment generally upon the relevance of the
discipline of speech and hearing science as the principal substratum upon which
the professions of speech and language pathology and audiology are built. This
is not meant to deny the importance of other areas that contribute information
such as physics, anatomy, neurophysiology, linguistics, or psychology; for in order
to explore the important correlates of speech, language, and audition one must
call upon information provided for by these disciplines. In a sense, the speech
and hearing scientist, if properly prepared, is one who can deal meaningfully
with those elements of the other disciplines that bear significantly upon his
inquiries into events of speech, language, or audition


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