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A Tachistoscopic Study of Monolingual and Bilingual Children | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 26 No 1 (2007): .

A Tachistoscopic Study of Monolingual and Bilingual Children

Published June 26, 2007
  • Tachistoscopic study,
  • Monolingual,
  • Bilingual,
  • Cerebral Asymmetry
How to Cite
Shyamala Chengappa, & Jayanti Ray. (2007). A Tachistoscopic Study of Monolingual and Bilingual Children. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 26(1), 60-64. Retrieved from


A tachistoscopic study of 10 monolingual and 10 bilingual children, was taken up to investigatethe effect of hemispheric processing in Kannada and English language using concrete nouns from both the languages. A comparison of monolingual and bilingual performance on Kannada revealed a better performance by monolingual over bilinguals. The bilinguals however, did not show a significant difference in performance on three language lists viz. Kannada-Kannada, Kannada-English and English-English. On both intergroup and intergroup performance, of monolinguals and bilinguals, a consistent left visual field superiority was found. Possible contributing factors are discussed in relation to the performance of the two groups.


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