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Case referrals to A.I.I.S.H. | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 3 No 1 (1972): .

Case referrals to A.I.I.S.H.: a retrospective study

Published June 27, 1972
How to Cite
V, U. (1972). Case referrals to A.I.I.S.H. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 3(1), 128-132. Retrieved from


Until the First World War, it was not evident to the Otologists that functionally
deaf patients could exists. It has only been since World War I, when relatively
large number of psychogenically deaf patients were reported by the Military rural
rehabilitation centres, that the suspicion or similar conditions existing in civilian
population arose


1. Brown S.F., the Loci of Stutterings in the Speech Sequence, J. Speech Dis., 10, 1945,181. 192.
2 Goodstein, L.D.. Functional Speech Disorders and Personality: Methodological and
Theoretical Considerations, J. Speech Hearing, Res., 1, 1958 377-382.
3. Spriestersbach, D.C., Research in Articulation Disorders and Personality, J. Speech Hearing
Dis., 71,1956,329-335.