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Speech problem in cerebral palsy | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 3 No 1 (1972): .

Speech problem in cerebral palsy: a critical analysis

Published June 27, 1972
How to Cite
HS, A. M. (1972). Speech problem in cerebral palsy. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 3(1), 92-97. Retrieved from


The Orthopaedic Centre of Andhra Mahila Sabha at Madras is treating children
suffering from Cerebral Palsy. Being a Rehabilitation Unit it has a team of medical
and para-medical staff. At this Centre, a Cerebral Palsy Research and Demonstration
Project has been sponsored by the Department of Health, Eduction & Welfare,
Social and Rehabilitation Service, Washington, U. S. A., to study the effect of stereotaxic
surgery in this condition. A speech therapy section was established in 1970 as
a part of the Research Project. This paper analyses the speech problems that were
encountered in Cerebral Palsy


First Annual Report, Cerebral Palsy Research and Demonstration Project, I.P.D. Orthopaedic
Darley, Arnold, and Brown (1969) Differential Diagnosis Patterns of Dysarthria. J.S.H.R.
Vol. 12.
Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, Clinical Examinations in Neurology (1971), III Edin.
Shailaja, Nikam (1970) School Screening Programme in Mysore City, J. of A.I.I.S.H., Vol. I