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Cerebral dominance - evaluation of the methods of its determination and its clinical uses | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 3 No 1 (1972): .

Cerebral dominance - evaluation of the methods of its determination and its clinical uses

Published June 27, 1972
How to Cite
P, R. M. B., & KC, S. (1972). Cerebral dominance - evaluation of the methods of its determination and its clinical uses. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 3(1), 68-91. Retrieved from


In this paper the concept of cerebral dominance for various functions with
emphasis on speech, is examined in the light of the recent literature available to us.
A few ways in which this knowledge of cerebral dominance can be used in the
differential diagnosis of speech disorders due to cortical lesions have been discussed.
And, finally, some of the methods which help in determining the "dominant
hemisphere" are pointed out


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