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A study of fears in the Indian setting | Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing



Vol 3 No 1 (1972): .

A study of fears in the Indian setting

Published June 27, 1972
How to Cite
GG, P. (1972). A study of fears in the Indian setting. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 3(1), 29-35. Retrieved from


Fear Survey Schedules (FSS) have been employed both as research instruments
as well as clinical assessment techniques. (Lang and Lazovik, 1963, Wolpe and
Lang, 1964, Geer, 1965, Manosovitz and Lanyon, 1965, Rubin, et ah, 1968, Braun and
Reynolds, 1969, and Rubin, era/., 1909). Wolpe, et al., (1968, p. 27) point out that it is
often astonishing to find out many areas of unadaptive anxiety in an individual
which have eluded all other avenues of enquiry, come to light through the FSS. The
FSS by Wolpe and Lang (1964) has been used quite often in clinical situations,
though Bernstein and Allen (1969) claim that its clinical bias has made it least popular
and utilitarian when compared with the other fear survey schedules available.


Angelino, H., Dollins, J. and Mech, E., (1956) 'Trends in the fears and worries of school children
as related to socio-economic status and age', J. Genet. Psychol., 89, 263-276.
Bernstein,,D. A. and Allen, G. J., (1969)'Fear Survey Schedule (II) Normative data ami factor
analysis based on a large college sample', Beh. Res. and Therapy, 7, 403-407.
Braun, P. R and Reynolds, G. J., (1969) 'A factor analysis of a 100 item Fear Survey Inventory',
Beh. Res. and Therapy, 7, 399-402.
Geer, J, H., (1965) 'The development of a scale to measure fear', Beh. Res. and Therapy, 3, 45-53.
Lang, P. J and Lazovik, A. D., (1963) 'Experimental desenitisation of a phobia' .J. Abnorrri. Soc.
Psychol., 66, 519-525.
Maraosevitz, M. and Lanyon, R. I., (1965) 'Fear Survey Schedule—A normative study', Psychol.
Reports, 17, 699-703. '
Rubin, B, M., Katkin, E. S., Weiss, B. W. and Efran, J. S., (1968) 'Factor analysis of a fear
survey schedule', Beh. Res. and Therapy, 6, 65-75.
Rubin, E. R., Lawlis, G. F., Tasto, D. L. and Nemmineck, T , (1969) 'Factor analysis of the 122
item fear survey schedule', Beh. Res. and Therapy, 7, 381-386.
Wilson, G. D., (1966). 'An electrodermal technique for the study of phobias' NZ Med. J., 65,
Wolpe, J. and Lange, P. J, (1964) 'A fear survey schedule for use in behaviour therapy', Beb,.
Res. and Therapy, 2, 27-30.
Wolpe, J. and Lazarus, A. Behaviour Therapy Techniques, NY. Pergamon Press, 1968.