June 27, 1971
How to Cite
Stewart, J. L. (1971). Cross-cultural studies and linguistic aspects of stuttering. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 2(1), 1-6. Retrieved from

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Of all the words in the English language which deceive the listener, by virtue of the assumption that we all 'know' what they mean, two which are particularly confusing are 'stuttering' and 'deafness'.
Dennis, W., (1940) The Hopi Child, Appleton-Century, Inc.: New York and London, p. 35.
Funaki, Fukiko (1964) Personal correspondence to J. L. Stewart.
Hrdlicka, A. (1908) 'Physiological and medical observations among the Indians of the southwestern
United States', Bulletin of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 34: 1-427.
Johnson, W. (1944) 'The Indians have no word for it: I. Stuttering in children: Quarterly Journal
of Speech, 30: 330-337. Reprinted in modified form in Chapter 17 of People in Quandaries,
Harper and Brothers: New York, 1946.
Johnson, W. (19S4) Personal correspondence quoting Professor P. de V. Pienaar and Professor
D. McK. Malcolm.
Johnson, W. (1959) The Onset of Stuttering, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis.
Johnson, W. and Stewart, J. L. (1970) 'Stuttering and North American Indians', in Akin, Johnnye,
Goldberg, A., Myers, G., and Stewart, J. L., (eds.), Language Behavior: Readings in Communication,
Mouton & Co., The Hague, (in press).
Kroeger, A. (1916) 'The speech of a Zuni child', American Anthropologist, 18, pp. 529-534.
Landar, H. (1961) 'Reduplication and morphology', Language, 37, pp. 239-246.
Leighton, Dorothea and Kluckhohn, C. (1947) Children of the People, Harvard University Press:
Stewart, J. L. (1960) 'The problem of stuttering in certain North American Indian societies',
Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, Monograph Supplement 6.
Funaki, Fukiko (1964) Personal correspondence to J. L. Stewart.
Hrdlicka, A. (1908) 'Physiological and medical observations among the Indians of the southwestern
United States', Bulletin of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 34: 1-427.
Johnson, W. (1944) 'The Indians have no word for it: I. Stuttering in children: Quarterly Journal
of Speech, 30: 330-337. Reprinted in modified form in Chapter 17 of People in Quandaries,
Harper and Brothers: New York, 1946.
Johnson, W. (19S4) Personal correspondence quoting Professor P. de V. Pienaar and Professor
D. McK. Malcolm.
Johnson, W. (1959) The Onset of Stuttering, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis.
Johnson, W. and Stewart, J. L. (1970) 'Stuttering and North American Indians', in Akin, Johnnye,
Goldberg, A., Myers, G., and Stewart, J. L., (eds.), Language Behavior: Readings in Communication,
Mouton & Co., The Hague, (in press).
Kroeger, A. (1916) 'The speech of a Zuni child', American Anthropologist, 18, pp. 529-534.
Landar, H. (1961) 'Reduplication and morphology', Language, 37, pp. 239-246.
Leighton, Dorothea and Kluckhohn, C. (1947) Children of the People, Harvard University Press:
Stewart, J. L. (1960) 'The problem of stuttering in certain North American Indian societies',
Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, Monograph Supplement 6.